Chapter 9

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Isis was sitting there with her daughters as they ate talking with the prospects. The chapel doors finally opened and the bikers headed straight into the kitchen. Happy waited by the bar as the kitchen was full already and listened in to the conversation Isis was having with the prospect. "I've never been on a bike before so I can't compare that to a high-end sports car." she exclaimed.

Suddenly the idea of her on his bike with him, her arms wrapped firmly around his waist, pressed up against him hit him and he couldn't help but smile. She looked over just in time to see him smile and smiled back. Clay and Jax exited the kitchen so he made his way inside to get a plate. The Prez sat down with his wife to eat and try to relax. Jax sat down with Tara and their boys. Opie sat down with his children and Lyla. Bobby, Juice, and Chibs sat together after getting their plates.

Happy stood at the bar with Isis and her girls just to listen to the conversation she was having with the prospect. "Oh yeah, my ex's family used to deal with sports cars all the time. Don't think any of their transactions were legal, though!" Isis chuckled. Happy just shook his head as he ate. He wondered what all her ex's family was into. She did say he was part of a Russian mob family. He wondered what other illegal activities they were into that she hadn't told them about already.

Tara watched as Happy stood at the bar with Isis and wondered what his deal was. Gemma also noticed where he ate his dinner and wondered what was going through the man's head. He never acted like this before! The prospect said something that irritated Happy who then growled at him and nodded his head for the prospect to go away. Isis watched as the frightened kid scurried away to make himself busy with cleaning up the kitchen.

She looked over at Happy with a raised eyebrow. Once Ashanti had finished her dinner, she asked her mom if she could watch tv. Isis gave the go ahead since they'd been working on schoolwork all day. The prospect came and took her empty plate to throw it away for her. The teenager thanked him then headed back to their room. Leia wanted to stretch out on play Facebook games making her mother laugh. Once the older girl left, Happy sat down next to Isis.

"What's going on with Hap?" Bobby asked.

"He's sitting at the bar?" Juice retorted.

"He ate his dinner standing then had a seat right next to Isis." Bobby commented.

"Maybe 'e's tired o' standin'?" Chibs offered.

"Since when does the man eat standing up? Normally he'd have found a seat somewhere." Bobby stated, "And he sure doesn't just sit with a woman."

"Leave tha man alone. 'e 'as the right t' findin' someone t' be 'appy with." Chibs exclaimed.

"Happy doesn't do relationships, Chibs." Bobby countered, "His behavior is weird for him."

"Maybe she's different. He's finally found 'the one'!" Juice grinned making Bobby roll his eyes.

"How are you ladies doing?" Happy asked as he sat down.

"Other than somehow threatening Tara's domain, I'm doing fine. Gemma and I made dinner together and had a great time talking about food the entire time." She chuckled, "The girls stayed in the apartment working on their studies."

"Tara is a bit suspicious of most women. Jax has been unfaithful before and since you're not an 'ol lady of anyone, she's naturally suspicious of you." Happy explained.

"I see. Well, I'm painfully single and not particularly looking for a mate." Isis stated making his heart sink, "I mean, if I met someone and we hit it off and had chemistry, I'd probably rethink my stance."

"Someone like Tig?" Happy teased.

"Oh my God, no! He's...I don't mind the flirting with me but he's not exactly my type." She stated, avoiding looking at him.

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