Chapter 16

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Once everyone had finished dinner, Clay called for the group to head out. He ordered Happy to remain behind to help protect the women and children while they were gone. Happy just nodded and remained sitting at the bar. Chibs gave him a sad smile as the prospects walked around gathering everyone's trash for them. Isis told her girls to head back to their room and figure out who was going to shower first. The Tacoma Killah wanted to talk to her but didn't know how to approach her.

Tara smirked as she watched how Isis was avoiding Happy. 'Guess he finally told her he wasn't a relationship type of guy.' she thought. The doctor had her boys tell their grandmother goodnight so she could go get them bathed, read a few stories, and settled down so they could eventually go to bed. The boys ran and hugged Gemma tightly before she kissed their foreheads. Gemma looked over at Happy and knew she had to intervene. She walked over and sat at the bar with him.

"Happy, you need to talk to her." She stated making him glance over at her.


"I overheard the conversation you two had earlier. You tried to push her away. If you don't talk to her, she won't try and talk to you. She'll stay away from you like you clearly stated you wanted." Gemma urged.

"I'm not like this, Gem. I don't need a woman. I don't want a woman..." He started.

"You want her, Happy. I can see it. If what I've been picking up recently, she might actually want you too." Gemma rested her hand over his on the bar, "You just have to swallow your pride and admit you were being an ass. Blame it on the pain or something. I don't know. All I know is if you don't talk to her, you've probably lost her forever. And I know for a fact Tig wants to go after her."

Happy growled at that making Gemma smirk.

"See? You're irritated at the mere thought of someone else going after her because you care about her. It's why you had her go back to her room the other night when we were raided. It wasn't because you didn't think she could help. You didn't want her getting hurt." Gemma said.

"What do I say? I'm not a share my feelings guy." Happy sighed.

"The truth. You were in pain and were a jerk taking it out on her. Tell her you appreciate what she's done for you and how much she cares. Ask for her forgiveness. Yes, I know how hard that is for you. Try it and see where it gets you." Gemma stated before getting up and walking back to her seat leaving Happy alone with his thoughts.

He finally had enough alcohol in him to do what needed to be done. His brothers were out taking care of the threat once and for all. Which if they succeeded, meant she'd be going back to her house and wouldn't be staying at the clubhouse anymore. He'd need a real reason to see her. Taking a few deep breaths, he slid off his stool and walked down the corridor to the dorm rooms. He stopped by her apartment and tried to calm himself down before he knocked on the door. She opened up and the surprised look on her face made him smile internally.

"What do you want?" She crossed her arms over her chest.

"Can we talk?" He quietly asked as his eyes darted into the room where her daughter sat.

She left the room and shut the door behind her, "Ok, what?"

"Look, I want to apologize for what I said earlier. I was an ass. I was in pain and taking my anger and pain out on you. I know it wasn't right and I'm sorry." He rubbed the back of his neck, "I do appreciate all that you've been doing for me. It's greatly appreciated. You're just trying to look after me and I had no right to just jump your ass. Will you forgive me?"

"That had to be so incredibly hard for you." She stated, staring into his eyes.

He sighed but remained silent. He didn't  want to admit to her that she was right.

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