Chapter 32

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"Leia's been kidnapped. Some guys in a black van stopped by their driveway right after they returned home and nabbed her before she could even make it to the front door." Clay explained.

"WHAT?!" Happy growled.

"Listen, we've got business here to take care of. Then we'll start the search for Leia." Clay stated.

"They could be..." Happy started.

"We'll find her, man. Don't worry. If we have to, we'll interrogate these assholes about their involvement, ok?" Jax tried to calm the Killah down.

Everyone could see how angry and agitated the Killah was and knew he was ready to do his worst to whoever had taken his step-daughter. Jax almost felt bad for the guys who had anything to do with the kidnapping. There was no line Happy wouldn't cross for messing with his family. Quinn was riled up as well. He hated people who messed with children. He'd always had a soft spot for kids and messing with them crossed a line that should never be crossed with him.

They waited for The Devil's Rejects to arrive at their designated meeting location. Isis began pacing back and forth waiting on word from Clay. Chibs understood her frustrations but also wished she would calm down for the sake of her other daughter. Ashanti was doing her best not to cry but was losing the battle. The prospect handed her a bottle of water seeing how upset she was.

"Do you know what those creeps could be doing to my little girl at this very moment?" Isis shouted.

"We're aware, sweetie. Calm down." Bobby calmly stated, "If not for yourself then for Ashanti."

"Aye. She needs 'er mother calm an' collected." Chibs added in.

"I just don't know who could've kidnapped Leia!" Isis ran her hand through her hair, "It was like they were waiting on us to get home."

"Talk us through the details again." Bobby urged.

"We stopped by the clubhouse so Leia could get her bike. We drove home. She parked behind her car in the driveway and I parked in my normal spot. Ash and I made it to the front door where I started to open it up. Leia suddenly screamed for me where we both turned around.

There was a black van and two men had grabbed Leia and threw her into the back. I threatened to shoot them if they didn't let my girl go but they didn't respond at all. They simply hopped in and shut the doors as the van quickly peeled away from the driveway." Isis told them.

"Leia was definitely targeted then, I'm afraid. But don't worry, we look after our own. We'll get your little girl back." Bobby told her.

"I should be out there looking, damnit! That's my little girl!" Isis exclaimed, voice rising, "I swear I will make whoever took her pay. So help them if they harm her in any way..."

"Darlin', I think Happy will have his turn first." Bobby stated making her look over at him with a titled head, "He may not want to admit it, but he looks at those girls as his own. And you never, ever mess with what belongs to Happy."

"Aye. I almost feel bad fer whoever took Leia fer wha' Happy is gonna do t' 'im." Chibs nodded.

"Yeah well he better leave me a fucking piece." Isis growled making Chibs smile.

"I think Ashanti needs you, Isis. She's sitting at the bar crying." One of the prospects came over to talk to Isis.

Chibs and Bobby watched as Isis got up and moved to the bar. She talked to her youngest before the girl flung herself into her mother's arms. Isis was beyond pissed and hated having to sit around and wait before taking action. Sitting around waiting was not something she was good at or liked doing. As she let her daughter cry into her shoulder, she debated on calling Semyon and asking if he was having any issues that might blow back on the family but decided against it for the time being.

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