Chapter 34

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Every member of SAMCRO along with Isis left the compound to go meet up with the kidnappers. Only the families of the bikers and the prospects remained behind. Isis' mind was going a mile a minute trying to figure out what the bikers were going to do and how things were going to go down. Things were going to get bloody, she was sure of it. Could she keep her daughter safe through all the gunfire? She had to prepare for battle as it were. Prepare herself to kill someone to keep her daughter safe.

The bikers rode in pairs of twos with her bringing up the rear in her car. They parked half a block away from the warehouse before climbing off, or out of in her case, their vehicles. Her gun was firmly strapped to her side as she walked over to where Clay and the rest of the bikers stood. "Let us go in and check things out. When we think it's safe, we'll let you know for you to come in." Jax told her earning a sigh and a head nod. There were no other bikers around that they could see. There was no one except them for that matter.

She stood where she was and kept vigil to make sure no one snuck up on them. Suddenly she heard the sound of bikes coming and she took off for the warehouse. Jax was about to yell at her but she panted that she heard motorcycles coming. They all prepared for a showdown in the warehouse. They had come from the opposite direction of where the Sons had come and came to a park in front of the warehouse. A black van pulled to a stop behind all the bikes.

A man Clay didn't recognize walked over and demanded the girl's mother. Isis was about to walk over but Happy held his arm out keeping her from walking over. Clay wanted to know who he was and who he worked for. Juice took his phone out and took a photo of one of the bikes. "The Devil's Rejects" was written on it. Just as Clay had thought, the other biker club was behind the kidnapping so they could manipulate SAMCRO somehow. Juice walked over and whispered into Clay's ear what he found out.

"Leia's mother will not go with you. We don't negotiate with kidnappers." Clay firmly stated, "And I told Mike that if The Devil's Rejects had anything to do with this kidnapping, there would be hell to pay. Apparently, he didn't think I meant what I said."

"Give us the girl's mother." The guy stated.

"How do we even know she's still alive?" Jax questioned.

"She's still alive." The guy looked around, eyes landing on Isis, "For now."

"You so much as touch a hair on that girl's head and we'll annihilate your entire club." Clay warned making the guy laugh.

"We're not afraid of you, old man." The guy hissed, "For the last time, give us the girl's mother."

"What do you want her for? She doesn't know any of our club's business. She's just an 'ol lady." Jax explained.

"Is that so?" The guy tilted his head to the left, "We'll do our own interrogations, thank you."

"Isis isn't going anywhere." Happy growled as he reached for his gun.

"You're playing with the girl's life." The guy warned as he stared down the Killah.

"I warned Mike. Tig, shoot the blond." Clay stated.

The SAA shot the blond in the middle of the head to the guy's right that Clay was talking to.

"Give us the girl or we'll start picking you assholes off one by one." Clay stated.

"Let's go." The guy told his people, "Just know this...the girl is going to be worse off than what she is now."

"You son of a..." Isis started to charge but Happy quickly grabbed a hold of her and held her to him.

She thrashed around in his arms but he was too strong for her. All she wanted was to get her daughter back. Leia was there, supposedly, and they were leaving without her. It killed her. They were going to hurt her little girl even more than what she was now. How bad off was she? Lacerations? Broken bones? Concussion? Isis was fighting tears as she watched the bikers and black van drive off with her child.

"I promise you, we'll get Leia back. We're not letting them off the hook that easily." Clay told the distraught woman.

"You let them take off with my little girl!" She shouted as she nearly collapsed.

"Isis, I promise we're going to get Leia back. We know The Devil's Rejects have her. I warned Mike about his involvement with the kidnapping. I meant what I said." Clay told her, "We're going to annihilate his club for what he's done. They don't need to know our business or our dealings with other clubs."

Happy held Isis to him as she did her best to compose herself. He could feel the heartbreak coming off the tall woman. It infuriated him to know there wasn't much he could do for the moment. All there was for him to do was to comfort Isis and reassure her they would get her child back. And to plan Mike's death. Oh, was he going to love torturing Mike for what he's done to Leia.

Dinner was just starting to be prepared when the club and Isis returned. Ashanti's face fell when she realized her sister wasn't with them. Gemma wanted to know what had transpired so Isis told her and her daughter. Tara was listening in and couldn't believe what she was hearing. Clay called church so they could discuss their next plan of attack. They didn't quite know where they were keeping Leia. Surely, it wasn't at their clubhouse. Clay had Juice run everything he could find on the other biker club so they could try and figure out where the girl might be.

Isis was on edge and very angry. Even Tara decided to keep away from her. The raven-headed woman was like a ticking time bomb. Ashanti sat on the couch with her knees pulled up to her chest worrying for her sister and mother. Juice found the location of The Devil's Rejects clubhouse in his research. After a little more digging, he discovered they had a bike repair shop to their name that they made most of their money from aside from a free-standing bar. Juice entered the chapel to deliver the new bit of information to the club.

"We hit the bike repair shop first since it should be shut down by now. Then the bar. And finally the clubhouse. We'll take Mike and Happy will extract where they're holding Leia. Once we have that information, we'll head out to pick her up. Juice, you'll bring the van so we can take Mike straight to the cabin. Happy, let Isis know since I'm sure Leia will feel more comfortable with her mother than any of us." Clay stated.

"Sounds like a solid plan." Bobby noted.

"Are there any objections?" Clay looked around earning a round of "no's" from the group, "Good."

He slammed the gavel down and the group filtered out of the chapel. Happy immediately went to tell Isis the plan. She insisted on going earning a soft smile from the Killah. "We need you to go. She's not going to want to be around us, we're sure. Besides, she needs her mother right now." Happy told her before leaning over and kissing her forehead. She swallowed the lump in her throat as she willed the tears back. They had her baby but had to let her go. Who knows what those creeps were doing to her right then!

A/N: Think they'll be able to get Leia back with no problems?

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