After the war

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Ok so I know that this Drarry FF might not be amazing and also it has many grammar and spelling mistakes,
Anyway this is my first fanfic, so I hope it's ok.
Comments are ok just nothing mean or too criticising.
Trigger warnings will be placed with ***** so if you don't like triggering things, this story may not be for you
Anyway enjoy this Drarry story!
Let me know if I should write another one too!

beanpotter xox

Harry's POV:

Hogwarts in ruins, fires, bricks fallen, smoke everywhere. The war had finally finished. It had been 2 weeks since the war had started and finished. Harry finally had peace to himself, or so he thought. Harry had been rethinking about his choices. The losses. The fact that everything was ruined because of him. People died because of him. The place he called Home, was ruined, because of him. Harry was in a deep thinking state. A depressed one too. He honestly didn't know what to do anymore. Voldemort was dead, his friends mourned and said goodbye, all while they left Harry to be stuck in his dark thoughts.

"It's your fault they're dead"

"It's your fault your only home is ruined"

"It's your fault people have lost they're loved ones"

Harry started sobbing, he started wondering if it was worth it? Worth being here anymore? He had completed the only thing he was born for. To kill and eliminate Voldemort, once it was done, he was no longer needed. Harry just sobbed harder and harder, releasing emotions that he had held in for what it felt like eons. He held onto his legs in a ball, he held them tight, with a forceful grip, nails digging through his now ripped jeans, glasses now filled with fog and tears, nose now dripping with snot. He didn't know what to do anymore. Hermione would desert him, along with Ron, and the rest of the weasly family because he killed their son.

Harry just wanted to disappear and pretend that he didn't exist. He just wanted a normal life. He never planned this to happen. He never deserved any of this.

Dracos POV:

Draco felt nothing, no thoughts, no feelings no nothing. He felt nothing. He was numb. After seeing what he saw, he thought it couldn't be possible.
He didn't want to go to the dark side, he had no choice, he was going to be known as the boy who was a death eater, he didn't want to be one in the first place, no matter how hard he tried saying he didn't want to be one. Draco decided that he would act better, change his act, he didn't want to be known to Lucius. Draco walked down near the forest when he saw a someone crying, he decided to take a closer look until he realised who it was.

"Is potter actually crying? Is he gonna be ok? I should comfort him but he doesn't trust me"

Before he knew it, Dracos legs took off and lead him to a very depressed Harry Potter. Draco didn't know what to do. Draco had always had feelings for potter. He just couldn't show it. Because "Malfoys don't have Feelings". Draco decided to care. His father was taken away to Azkaban for life, his mother now only caring for Draco and happy to live freely. Draco decided it was time, time to make a change, time to show the world who he really was. He was a fucking man, with fucking feelings.

Harry's POV:

Harry heard footsteps behind him, he ignored it, he just wanted to leave this cruel world.
Harry grabbed a pocket sized knife from his pocket and started sliding it across his arm, leaving a deep and prominent scar. A personal drawing. Harry felt warm liquid slide down his arm, he then started to feel dizzy. Until he heard footsteps and a familiar deep voice coming closer to him.


Harry heard his name being yelled, he felt a arm swing across him and a warmth to fill his entire body. He then blacked out.

Dracos POV:

Draco watched as he saw what Harry was about to do, he watched as he grabbed the pocket sized knife.
Draco watched as he saw the knife slide through his skin, revealing a line of dripping liquid. He watched as Harry watched his arm bleed and stare at the blood drip off it.
Draco couldn't handle anymore of what he was watching, as he watched as Harry started going all dizzy he yelled without thinking again.


He swung a arm across his body and held him close to his chest, he watched as Harry slowly closed his eyes and passed out, Draco was panicking and sprinted to the Hospital wing. He sprinted up the stairs and opened the door.

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