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3rd POVS:

Harry and Draco had potions as their last class, Dracos godfather, Severus Snape, didn't actually know that Draco was dating Harry, Draco was planning to, but was nervous.

"Today we will be making the potion Amortentia, the potion is the strongest and also the most difficult love potion to be made, now someone tell me what happens when someone smells the potion" Snape asked the class which involved Hermione raising her hand without hesitation.

"When someone smells the potion Amortentia, the person smells the thing that deeply attracts them, they smell whatever the person that attracts them wears, such as, perfumes or colognes" Hermione said with a pleased look on her face.
As much as Snape had a disliking to Gryffindors, he decided that he would just have to do it once.

"10 points to gryffindor for acceptable knowledge" Snape said with a force. Which actually surprised Hermione and Ron and the rest of the gryffindors.

The class started moving around, collecting ingredients and picking partners. Of course Harry chose Draco, which surprised the rest of the class but brushed it off.

The class started smelling the different colognes and perfumes that attracted them, some weren't a big surprise to know, some were. But there were lots of different feeling going around. Feelings of love and romance.

"What do you smell Harry" Draco asked.

"I smell apples, mint, vanilla and hair gel" Harry replied with a blush, of course his answer would be Dracos cologne.
"What do you smell" Harry said smirking.

"I smell Broom polish, vanilla, fruit tarts and shampoo" Draco said blushing, Harry blushed and they both wanted to close the gap between them, but didn't want to spread attention to themselves. Just yet.

At the end of potions, Draco had told Harry he was gonna talk to snape about their relationship. Harry nodded and then told Draco to meet him in the ROR. They both gave a quick kiss and then departed off seperate ways.

"Hello Sev" Draco said

"Hello Draco" snape replied

"I just needed to tell you about something" Draco said quickly, "you see, sev, I'm currently in a relationship with Harry Potter, the reason that is, is because I saw him at the lake and he tried to..." Draco trailed off but kept going. "Sev, he tried to kill himself".

Severus didn't know what to say, he had only disliked his presence because he reminded him of James, but to think he could have lost a part of lily, really hurt his heart. He was so selfish to realise that a part of lily was struggling, although he hated potter for what his father did, he never wanted to hurt himself. Ever.

"Draco, Thankyou for bringing this to my attention, I will be consulting Dumbledore so we can keep him an eye on him, just in case" Snape broke the silence.

"Thankyou so much Sev, I really appreciate it, really" Draco smiled and then waltzed off to the ROR.

-» time skip «-

Harry was pacing around, he knew Draco would never ditch him. He was probably just taking his time, after all, he guessed Draco would have to tell Snape about why their together in the first place, Harry didn't mind actually.

Harry was sitting on a couch when he heard the door open.

"Hey ferret" Harry said snickering at Draco's playful hurt expression, he joined Harry on the couch and quickly captured his lips in a kiss.

"Hello honey" Draco said smirking.

"Shall we" Draco added

"We shall" Harry replied.


Harry and Draco collapsed together onto the couch, kissing passionately, Draco was on top of Harry while Harry was being squished by Draco, but he didn't care, he just wanted Draco all to himself.

Harry's hand started going up Dracos shirt, he could feel the pale boys abs, how undeniably hot he was sent shivers down Harry spine. He heard giggling and saw that Draco was being ticklish. Harry chuckled and then started letting his hand explore the blonds body. Harry's hand was now near Dracos crotch, Harry grabbed his crotch and heard Draco intake a hard and throaty breath.

"Do you wanna...maybe" Draco smirked which made Harry's stomach flood with butterflies.

"Yeah" Harry replied, But the way harry replied made draco unsure if he was ready.

"Im only asking this for your benefit, are you sure your ready. If your not there's plenty of time for us and if you are please make sure your definitely sure you feel ready" Draco said gently and kissed Harry's lips.

Harry just smiled at him. "I'm ready, and Thankyou for making sure I am"

Draco kissed him "alright then"

Harry started unbuttoning Dracos shirt, while Harry was doing that, Draco was unzipping Harry's pants, leaving Harry with only his shirt and tie and Draco with his shirt now open, both boys just went for a very passionate kiss, Draco trailed kisses down to Harry's neck and found Harry's sensitive spot, Draco started biting and sucking on his neck and Harry let out small moans. Draco liked hearing that, so he grabbed Harry's prick and started stroking, Harry became a moaning mess which made Draco want even more of his boyfriend.

"D-Draco...please" Harry whispered

Draco kept going and Harry mumbled something

"What was that my dear" Draco said softly

"Go inside me" Harry pleaded.

"Are you sure?"

"I am sure draco"

Draco just smirked and kissed his sensitive neck.
"I'm not sure if your ready yet" he teased

"Draco..." he said breathlessly, he felt so much pleasure and he felt it way more since he was finally with Draco.

"Beg for it" Draco smirked "Convince me you want it" Fuck he was enjoying this so much.

"Draco..please" Harry whimpered, this dirty talk was turning him on so much. He wanted more from him and he wanted it badly.

"Who do you belong to?"

"You, I belong to you Draco"

"Prove it"

"Fuck!" He cried, "Fuck me, please!"

Draco paused, he never knew how much he really loved doing this until it became a reality, he kissed his begging partner and smiled.

"As you wish" Draco replied

Draco went in slowly, Harry started breathing again but with pleasure, he was a moaning mess again, Draco started going off too. Both boys enjoying this moment. And hoping it would last for a while.

-» Time skip «-

Harry and Draco were now lying down in a bed together, both exhausted but also in a trance, they were very happy after the moment they just had. They both just started into each other's eyes, silver meeting emerald. Both a very Devine colour together. The silence wasn't awkward it was indeed very comfortable. They just stared until Harry Pecked Draco on the nose.

"That was...merlins beard I can't explain" Draco spoke softly

"That was amazing, is all I can say" Harry replied back.

"Was that the Amortentia still hanging around or just your loving soul" Draco said smirking

"Nah, all me, maybe a tiny hint of Amortentia, doesn't mean it wasn't my pure loving soul" Harry spoke softly. He earned a kiss from Draco.

"Thankyou for that, it was amazing" Draco said

"Thankyou too, it was so amazing" Harry replied.

"I love you Draco Malfoy" Harry whispered

"I love you too Harry Potter" Draco whispered back.

They both fell asleep in the warm embrace, tangled together. Love was in the air.

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