The return and torture

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The train had pulled up to the platform, Harry and Draco had, had their last connection together before waving goodbye and exiting the station.

Harry knew he was about to begin a hell of a holidays.

time skip 5 days «-

3rd Person POV:

A letter was sent out to everyone,

All Yr 8 Hogwarts students will return on the 30th of January,
All students will resume classes that were supposed to take place last year but disbanded because of the war.
All classes resume 3rd March.
We hope to see you all again soon

Kind regards
Minerva Mcgonagall, Head Mistress of Hogwarts school of witchcraft and Wizardry.

Harrys POV:
Harry wasn't ready to go back, especially to see Ron and Hermione, after all he killed Fred Weasly. Dark thoughts had once again flooded Harry's mind. The people he killed, the people who suffered because of him. Even his friends seemed to neglect Harry.

Harry needed to do it again, he didn't want to do it, because he thought of Draco, he thought of those beautiful grey eyes. The way that he smiled, the way his hair was silky smooth and soft. He refused the dark thought, but it had soon overwhelmed him. He just needed some pain. He needed to feel nothing.


Harry grabbed a little black box, he opened it and saw that the pocket knife still intact, he held it in his hand, pulled up his sleeve and started to make 5 lines, the numb feeling that Harry felt, he enjoyed it, he watched the blood slowly drip off. After what it felt like 10 minutes, Harry decided to go to the bathroom and wash his arm, and put a glamour on it so that nobody would notice.



Harry didn't hesitate to sprint downstairs and stand there waiting for some sort of hitting or something like that.


"I-I'm sorry s-sir, p-please, d-don't hit m-me" Harry stuttered. Uncle Vernon laughed at that. He smiled a wickedly smile.

"DUDLEY GRAB MY WHIP" uncle Vernon ordered.

Dudley gladly went upstairs and grabbed his whip, Harry knew this whip, it was like his actual friend, Harry was thrown onto the floor and he hit his head against the stairs. Vernon started whipping Harry's back, Harry didn't scream, because if he screamed, he knew that Vernon would hit harder, and he didn't want Vernon getting the satisfaction. Harry lied there helpless letting his uncle take pride in what he was doing. After 30 minutes of this torture, Vernon dragged Harry down the stairs to the basement. Vernon made Harry strip.


Harry felt his uncle carve something in his back, he already knew what the words would be, he just sat there and let Vernon do whatever. Harry felt weak. He was numb, he couldn't do anything.


He felt disgusted, gross, dirty. Harry felt like he was weak. Too weak to move. The pain hit him hard, the cold air flooded into the carved words,  the blood dripping more and more. Harry felt dizzy and faint. He didn't know what to do, so he sat their and let the pain hit him. He felt like he deserved it.

The torture was getting real, and more and more painful.

time skip «-

Harry woke up in his bed, filled with blood and sweat. Harry knew that he had to contact Draco. So he immediately rushed over and started scribbling and moving his quill profusely. He wrote what happens to him, but didn't dare to mention that he was tied up and was used for carving foul words.

Dearest Draco,

Draco, I'm sorry I haven't written anything to you, I just didn't want you wasting your time worrying about me. The Dursley's have been abusing me, physically and mentally. I need to leave this place, but I have no where to go. I want to move with you, but I don't know how your parents would react, considering I had killed their master and your father was now in Azkaban. I hope you can come save me.
Also I hope your gonna be attending Hogwarts to repeat our year again, I hope you are.
I hope I can hear from you soon. I miss you so much.

Harry Potter x

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