The Surprise

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Harry's POV:

Dearest Harry,

I'm so sorry you are going through this, you never deserved it, no matter how much you disagree. I am going to come save you, mother had advised that I do so, by the way she has accepted that I like you, she is absolutely fine with it and she wants me to come get you before things get out of hand. Harry, non of this is your fault. Please, don't do anything to yourself, you will be ok. I promise I'll come get you. I love you my love. Also yes, I will be attending hogwarts. Should be exciting ;). See you soon my love.

Draco xox

"Thank merlins beard" Harry thought in relief

not only would his gorgeous boyfriend save him, but his mother would accept him. Harry cried, not sad ones but Happy tears, he finally had something worth living for. Harry decided that if Draco was gonna save him, he needed to write the address to him in case Draco didn't know where he lived, I mean, Harry does live in a muggle world after all. But there was one thing that kept Harry undeniably Happy, the way Draco actually cared, he wrote as if these things never meant to happen and that he never deserved the shit that he gets.

The happy thoughts were soon struck by ones of Ron and Hermione, they didn't even write, Harry didn't take it personally, after all he killed the people they cared for most, even Rons own brother. Harry soon realised that his happy tears were interrupted by his depressed ones. He got the thought back, he wanted to feel numb again, pain, some kind of punishment was needed for him.


Harry grabbed his knife from his trunk, still had the blood on it from last time, he let the blade draw against his skin, he let it draw red lines, with blood oozing off. The numb feeling came back, he enjoyed it for a while. The pain was also his friend, colliding with numbness. Both worked great as a team.
Harry then finished up and went to the bathroom to clean his wrist and clean off the blood, he then wrapped his arm in a bandage.


Harry then decided that after doing that he should owl back his address for Draco, but was interrupted with a crash coming from downstairs and a trio of screaming Dursley's.

"WHO THE BLOODY HELL ARE YOU" Uncle Vernon roared

Harry snuck behind the door that led to the kitchen and saw a very surprising sight.

"My name is Draco Malfoy, you must be the Dursley's that are currently taking care of Harry Potter" Draco said Camly

"Y-yes we are" Aunt Petunia looked frightened, she knew who the Malfoy were, she was friends with Narcissa but never expected to see another Malfoy, but decided to let it go.

"I'm taking him with me, as of some news I have learnt, you bunch of muggles have been abusing him" Draco replied cooly

"The freak deserved it"! Uncle Vernon yelled, but was interrupted with a wand on his fat chin.

"Do you want me to Obliviate you right here, right now" Draco said with a glare, which made Harry giggle to himself.

"Or would you rather have me kill you, quick and painlessly? Choose your pick" he said icily

Vernon backed away with Petunia waltzing away, with a shaken Dudley behind them. Draco smirked at the scared muggles and made sure that they weren't going anywhere.

"Please...spare us!" Dudley yelled

"Now, where is Harry" Draco asked the boy

"He's upstairs" Dudley replied quickly

Draco spun one his heel and walked off to find his Boyfriend, Harry run back up to go sit in his bed so Draco wouldn't know that he saw what happened, Harry was holding in his giggles due to what happened but brushed it off. He was interrupted by a knock at his bedroom door. Draco opened it and saw a Smirking Harry Potter staring back at him.

"HARRY" he said jumping into Harry's arms

"Long time no see stranger" Harry said smuggly

"I missed you so much my love" Draco whispered to Harry

"Same back to you ferret" Harry said not without giggling though

They then closed the gap between them, closing it with a pair of warm lips on each other, both dancing together smoothly, it was a warm and soft moment, they had missed this so much. They started kissing more passionately, and fiercely. Both enjoyed the moment, they haven't done this since the train and the warm memories flooded back. It was amazing.

"Draco" Harry whispered which gave shivers down Dracos spine

"Yes my love" Draco replied softly

"Sorry to break it to you but" Harry trailed off

"What is it" Draco was worried, he thought Harry cheated or something, he was nervous to hear but didn't show his emotions.

"I don't like you" he said sadly

"w-what? why?" Draco said feeling tears sting his eyes

"I love you" Harry laughed and kissed his cheek.

Draco rolled his eyes and sighed "I hate you" he smiled " but I do love you"

Draco just kissed Harry and then hugged him tightly. No matter how much his boyfriend can sometimes joke and annoy him, he will always love him.

"we should start packing my trunk" Harry said with his head in Draco's neck.

They spent an Hour packing Harry's stuff, Draco found Harry's Wizarding stuff in the cupboard under the stairs all locked up.

"Did you know that I used to live down there for 11 years" a quiet voice snuck up on Draco, which made him startle but realised it was Harry looking at him again.

"You did, but how, it's so damn small for merlins sake" Draco started getting angry and Harry saw so he gave Draco a peck n the lips to calm him down.

time skip «-

The time had come we're Harry and Draco could finally leave to Malfoy manor, Harry was happy to finally leave and was planning to explain to both Draco and Narcissa about what happened to him during the past month of summer.

"You ready my love" Draco said softly

"Yes" Harry replied, "let's go".

And with that they both Apparated to Malfoy Manor.

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