A place to call home

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3rd POV:

Harry and Draco arrived on the front doorstep of Malfoy Manor, as much as Harry seemed excited, he was also kinda nervous and didn't know what to expect.

"You nervous" Draco said, he must have seen the look on the raven haired boys face and knew that he seemed a bit nervous.

"A little" Harry replied, "don't worry, everything will be ok" Draco ushered. Harry smiled and took Dracos hand, it was warm and soft. They took a step in and saw Narcissa waiting for them in the lounge room.

"Draco, my son"! She said excitedly

"Hello mother" Draco replied

"Oh, hello harry, I know you must feel a bit nervous but don't worry, I won't bite. Welcome to our home" she said softly.

"Thankyou Mrs Malfoy" Harry said.

"Please, call me Narcissa" she smiled "Mrs Malfoy makes me sound old"

"Oh okay! Thankyou Narcissa" Harry said happily.

Narcissa smiled and walked off to the kitchen to make the boys food.

"You'll be sleeping in my room." Draco said

"On the floor" Harry said while looking confused

"No, my dear your so funny" Draco giggled which made Harry blush, "Your sleeping with me".

They walked upstairs and went into Dracos massive room, it was green and black, a Devine set up was observed by the raven boy. There was a big four poster bed which made Harry think of hogwarts. Oh right, they were returning in a week. There was a bathroom, black marble, a very posh set up.

"Your rooms very Devine" Harry said looking up at Draco

"Thankyou lovely" Draco said smirking, Harry blushed a crimson red. Draco giggled.

"I'll give you some time to unpack, I'll help you" Draco said softly.

"Thankyou ferret" Harry said smirking. Draco turned and gave him a playful glare which made Harry laugh, that alone made Draco smile to see his boyfriend smile.

As Harry was putting his hoodies inside Draco's closest he had a thought in mind.


"What is it love?"

"Are your walls quite thick?"

"Pretty thick and sound proof, why?"

Harry just gave him a cheeky smirk and laughed.

"Just asking so we can have some fun" he winked

Draco felt himself feel warm and blush, he had such a naughty boyfriend.

"That's very Dirty Harry"

He just laughed and continued packing things away.

time skip «-

"Boys time for dinner"! Narcissa exclaimed

The boys walked down together holding hands, Narcissa saw and smiled at the couple. They all sat down and Harry made a "mmm" sound while eating, he hadn't had a proper meal in a month, he felt like vomiting but didn't wanna leave until after dinner.

"So Harry" Draco said, "would you like to tell us what happened at the muggles house" he said camly.

Harry was contemplating how much to tell them, would he say that they would starve and hit him everyday? Would he say that he was a human drawing board? How much would he say, until he finally broke the silence.

"I-I was being used and h-hit, i-I was hit with a w-whip, t-then s-sometimes I-I was h-hit s-so badly that when I-I w-was unconscious, m-my uncle would c-carve w-words into m-me, l-like freak, idiot, slut" Harry broke down as he spoke, he stuttered and cause him to feel warm hot tears glide down his face, he started sobbing when he felt a pair of arms wrap around him, Harry flinched at the touch, but then embraced the warm touch. He then felt a warm thumb wipe his face off of tears.

"Harry, I'm so s-sorry" Draco broke down, but felt a warmth touch swell around his body. He was being hugged and then Harry gave him a little peck on the lips.

"Harry, we are going to do everything to ensure your safe and that those muggles will be arrested or at least punished for the way they treated you, Harry, we will be welcoming you into our family, you will stay with us" Narcissa said softly with a smile. Harry couldn't believe it, he was so happy, he was filled and overflowing with joy, he ran over to Narcissa and gave her a warm hug and smile.

"T-thankyou s-so much" Harry said while crying happy tears.

"It's no problem Harry, we love you so much" she replied sweetly

He broke down in tears, Narcissa hushed him as Draco watched with teary eyes with a small smile, he went over to his boyfriend and held onto him as he caressed his hair gently.

"T-Thankyou" Harry said smiling with tears

"Of course my darling" Narcissa replied with a smile.

Draco smiled at the two getting along so well, he always knew his mother was the more softer one, he always knew that she would always respect anyone for any reason, always wanting to be a motherly figure to whatever person Draco talked to. This was the moment that their lives would change. For the better.

It was a place to call home after all.

{ a/n  02/04/21 }

It's been long overdue but I fixed the damn chapter after that very ermm *insert sweet home Alabama*
But yk yk... anyways to people who didn't get to see what I actually wrote... I'll leave that to you to figure out lol.

Anyway enjoy the rest x

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