The manor and the malfoys

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Dracos POV:

Draco hadn't heard from Harry in ages, he said he would write to him if there was a problem. But Draco just reminded himself that Harry would contact him if there was a problem, it would only take time. Draco had told his mother that he made up with Harry and was now his boyfriend, Narcissa was very supportive, She also knew that Harry was going through it tough, so she wanted to make sure he was loved. Narcissa would do anything for Draco, and Draco himself even knew that.

Draco was lost in his thoughts when a white snowy owl came to him with a letter.

Dearest Draco,

Draco, I'm sorry I haven't written anything to you, I just didn't want you wasting your time worrying about me. The Dursley's have been abusing me, physically and mentally. I need to leave this place, but I have no where to go. I want to move with you, but I don't know how your mother would react, considering I had killed Voldemort and your father was now in Azkaban. I hope you can come save me.
Also I hope your gonna be attending Hogwarts to repeat our year again, I hope you are.
I hope I can hear from you soon. I miss you so much my love.

Harry Potter x

Draco read it over and over again, he knew he had to save him. But he didn't know how. Draco made a plan with his mother to save Harry, Draco needed to save him before it was too late. Draco was also excited that Harry was able to attend hogwarts for their 8th but he needed to write back immediately, so he grabbed his quill and parchment and started scribbling his letter back.

Dearest Harry,

I'm so sorry you are going through this, you never deserved it, no matter how much you disagree. I am going to come save you, mother had advised that I do so, by the way she has accepted that I like you, she is absolutely fine with it and she wants me to come get you before things get out of hand. Harry, non of this is your fault. Please, don't do anything to yourself, you will be ok. I promise I'll come get you. I love you. Also yes, I will be attending hogwarts. Should be exciting ;). See you soon my love.

Draco xox

Draco had sent off Hedwig, she would now be on her way to deliver this letter. Draco waited.

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