Blinded by beauty

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Harry's/3rd view POV:

Harry was now set free from the Infirmary, he had now got a boyfriend, and he was happier than ever.
Harry got to stare into those silver, grey eyes. The slick blond hair all gelled back, the red cheeks, his perfection was everything to Harry.

"God he's so fucking beautiful" Harry thought to himself.

Draco must have known what Harry was thinking about because the blond beauty just stared back at those emerald green eyes, the cute little puppy eyes he holds, the little red blush on his cheeks.

"Harry, what are you looking at" Draco said with a smirk.

"I don't know Draco?" Harry replied back with a smirk and a blush on his cheek. "A human?"

Draco just rolled his eyes and Harry just snickered.

"A gorgeous human"

This compliment caused Draco to pin Harry against the wall, Harry made a whimper noise but he didn't care, pressing their noses together so that they could touch lightly, then their lips finally connecting. Draco started moving towards Harry's neck, and started giving him a love bite, which caused Harry to make out a quiet moan. Draco thought that his moan, although it was quiet, was fucking adorable, so he kept going. They kept passionately kissing and making love bites until it was time to head off.

"Draco" Harry whispered

"Yes, my love"? Draco replied back

"Can I...sleep with you tonight?, I'm just scared of having nightmares and I really need someone t-"

Harry couldn't finish his sentence because he felt a warm finger on his lips, Harry blushed.

"No more questions asked honey, of course you can sleep with me" Draco said with a smirk.

Harry wasn't really paying attention because he was too busy staring into his beautiful grey eyes, but he did earn a peck from Draco.

"What are you staring at you adorable little thing" Draco said smirking

"I'm blinded by your beauty" Harry replied

"That's so cheesy"

"Sorry for saying the truth"

"Your not forgiven" Draco smiled cheekily

"Punish me" Harry smirked.
Draco just stared at him as well as being flustered and red. He was feeling the butterflies swarming through him. Gosh, Harry makes him feel so warm and loved.

Who knew Harry was that bold...

"Maybe, just wait" he whispered and kissed him on the cheek.

They knew they would have to return home in a day, so they made the most of this special moments they had together before departing to board the Hogwarts Express, and go home for the year. They didn't exactly know what the future held for them, but they did have hope.

time skip «-

Now in a compartment, the two lovebirds were having their final snuggle, snogging sessions before they would have to separate for two months.

"Harry, just write to me when you can, tell me if anything goes bad in the house your living in, then owl me immediately, I only do this because I love you, Harry" Draco said then leaving kisses down Harry's now red face.

"I promise I'll try writing to you Draco, I promise you I'll tell you if anything goes badly, I'll do this because I love you, Draco" Harry said then started leaving many kisses on his lovers face.

They were both once again lost in each other's faces,

How they truly knew that they were Blinded by Beauty, both, blinded by beauty.

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