The return to hogwarts

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3rd POV:

School was starting again, the two boys were growing together, literally, Narcissa was now as another mother figure for Harry.

She felt so proud of the two very special and very lovable boys, everyone happier than ever.

"Harry, Draco, Time to go to the platform" Narcissa called for them.

Harry and Draco both coming downstairs, One dressed in black jeans and a black turtle kneck and black coat, the other in a hoodie, jeans, and scruffy hair. Narcissa smiled at the two.

"Harry you look so adorable dressed in that" she exclaimed

"Oh, heh, Thankyou " Harry smiled.

"Ok you two, ready to apparate to the platform"?

Both boys nodded, they knew that at school things changed, it wouldn't matter if their relationship was public because there was nothing stopping them.

They waved goodbye to Narcissa and apparated away to platform 9 and 3 quarters.

They arrived at the platform, it was packed, kids were starting their first year, teens finishing their year, and then the eighths going back to reunite. They were walking together, when they were interrupted by two familiar faces.

"Hello harry" Hermione exclaimed

"Hello mate, long time no see" Ron said

"Oh, h-hey guys" Harry replied.

"We're so sorry we never wrote to you, it's just we were grieving the loss of Fred and everyone and we didn't know if you wanted to be owled at the time, so we gave you space" Hermione rambled, but Harry was focusing on something else to be bothered listening.

"Harry, why is Malfoy behind you" Ron asked

"Oh um" Harry didn't know what to say he was frozen.

"I happen to be Harry's, boyfriend, weasly, so if you have any snarky comments, it would be best to leave now" Draco spoke up.

Ron's hands went up and his moth was open, Hermione on the other hand looked like she wanted to squeal and was about to burst with happiness.

"Harry, oh you never told us you were gay" Hermione said happily.

"What, oh yeah, sorry" Harry replied

"Ron owes me 10 galleons" she said happily

"What do you mean he owes you money, wait a moment, we're you guys betting on me and my love life" Harry said with shock.

Hermione nodded and Ron just looked annoyed. Harry was happy that they didn't act like dicks but accepted him.

"Anyway Harry we fully support your relationship, even if you are dating Malfoy" Hermione added.

"Yeah mate, we wouldn't drop you because your gay or loved someone we all hated, were just happy your happy" Ron added.

Harry couldn't stop smiling at his two best friends, he didn't know how they were going to react to the news so he just kept it quiet. He should have told them ages ago, but, he was worried about one person. Ginny.

"Wait, what about Ginny" Harry added quickly.

"Oh don't worry about her mate, besides, she's interested in Luna actually" Ron smiled

"Oh that's perfect actually, I always knew there was some kind of spark between them" Harry chuckled.

"Well, we better get a compartment, trains leaving soon" Hermione added.

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