In the Hospital

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3rd Person POV:

Madam Pomfrey watched as she saw a panicked Draco and a sight she would never expect, a unconscious Harry Potter, in the arms of Draco Malloy, and a line of dripping blood from Mr Potters arm. Madam Pomfrey ran up to Malfoy.

"Put him onto a bed, I'll get the potions immediately" she exclaimed.

"Ok" Was all that Draco could let out.

Dracos POV:

Draco carefully placed Harry into a bed, gently sliding the covers over Harry's body. Once he did that, Draco sat down in a wooden chair beside the bed. He watched as Harry lay there.

"I'm glad he's finally resting"

Draco thought to himself, he watched as the boys hair gently fell in front of his face, his chest slowly rising up and down.

3rd person POV:

Madam Pomfrey was back and brought potions and bandages with her. She carefully put Harry's gushing arm in the bandage and followed along with casting a healing spell, Both Madam Pomfrey and Draco watched as the line of blood and deep line slowly started to disappear and turn into a red scar. It wasn't fully healed, so Pomfrey wrapped the rest in the bandage. She then started giving Harry some calming potions, painkillers and etc. Draco watched as the nurse was hard at work making sure that Harry would soon wake up.

"Mr Potters injuries should heal by tomorrow morning" she said to the boy patiently waiting on the wooden chair.

"Thankyou Madam, I appreciate the effort you have done for him" Draco said relieved.

Pomfrey nodded and walked away to sort out some other things.

Dracos POV:

Draco watched as Harry was wrapped up and still unconscious. Madam Pomfrey walked up to him.

"Mr Potters injuries should heal by tomorrow morning" she said looking down at Draco in the wooden chair

"Thankyou Madam, I appreciate the effort you have done for him" Draco said relieved.

Draco watched as the nurse nodded and headed to go to some other work.

Draco watched a peaceful Harry Potter sleep and breath peacefully, his hair falling on his face and the slow rising of his chest.
Draco soon after passed out from the exhausting night he had.

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