What a surprising night

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Draco woke up in Harry's warm embrace, he looked so calm when he was asleep, bits off his raven coloured hair in front of his face, his slow little breaths and also his little snores. Draco couldn't help but always "awe" at Harry when he was asleep.

"Harry, time to wake up" Draco spoke softly

He heard a few little noises from Harry and then heard a little yawn, Draco thought it was so cute.

"Merlins fucking Sakes why is he so adorable" Draco thought to himself when he heard a little voice talk to him

"Good morning ferret" Harry spoke softly

"Morning sleepyhead" Draco replied

Harry cast a quick "Tempus", the time was 8:30am. It was quite a late start but didn't really care.

"We better get ready" Harry said while stretching

The boys both had showers and then got dressed,  and when Draco tried putting his hair gel in his hair, Harry decided that it would be funny to come up behind him and scruff his hair up.

"Hey that was uncalled for" Harry said with an irritated look which Draco found adorable.

"Stop looking at me like that" Draco said while looking at Harry.

"never" Harry said cheekily

They both exited the ROR and started heading towards the Great Hall for breakfast, Harry and Draco parted ways, Ron and Hermione were there waiting, Harry had an amazing night and he thought he should tell his friends, I mean, he guessed they would wanna know if he "did" that too.

"Hello Harry, where were you last night mate, you never came back to the gryffindor tower" Ron spoke up

"Oh yeah I was in the ROR with Draco" Harry said smirking

"Oh Harry, are you gonna tell us what happened" Hermione said excitedly

"Ok, ok fine" Harry spoke, "basically we just started making out then we" he paused and felt his face warm up. "We sort of um...'did it'" he said quietly.

"Oh Harry don't be embarrassed! It's totally normal for anyone to do that, I'm happy for you" Hermione hugged harry, to which he hugged back.

"So your telling me you "did it" with him last night" Ron said astonished

"Yeah..." Harry itching the back of his neck

"Well then....good to know" Ron replied awkwardly

"Thankyou guys, For you know, not making this...weird or anything" Harry said

"What friends would we be if we did?" Hermione said smiling

The friends talked all morning during breakfast, Harry didn't eat anything with the fear he would throw up, Draco noticed he wasn't eating anything and went over to the gryffindor table.

"Hello harry, Ron Hermione" Draco said

"Oh hello Dra-Malfoy" Ron said

"Hello Draco" Hermione said smirking

"Harry please eat, otherwise I'll have to feed you myself" Draco said quickly

"But I'm not hungry" Harry replied

"Ok, fine, you asked for it" Draco put strawberries on Harry's fork, he put them in Harry's mouth and made sure he ate them. Harry started chewing then swallowed, he started to feel sick and he covered his mouth with his hand and ran to the bathroom.
Harry got to the stall and didn't close the door because he could feel it coming up, Harry leaned over the toilet bowl and then he threw up the food he ate, he heard footsteps approach him and felt someone rub circles on his back while holding parts of his hair back.

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