Emerald and Silver

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The year was coming to a end, which meant that it was the year eighths last year at hogwarts, officially, many tears had fallen in the grounds, warm smiles, memories to laugh at and so much more.
Harry was sad to say goodbye to the place he called home, but he knew that the time had come, he had learnt amazing things, made so many wonderful friends, met many great teachers and uncovered and survived many, many mysteries and fights. He wasn't sure where the future would lead him and the golden trio, but they always knew that they would stay friends, forever, Harry was happy though, because it meant that he could spend the rest of his life with Draco Malfoy. He just couldn't wait.

-» time skip to Christmas evening/day «-

Draco had planned that he would propose to Harry on Christmas's day, he would have people come to the courtyard where Harry, "died" and would propose in front of them. Draco was excited to do so, he was finally gonna have a piece of hogwarts stay with him, forever, until death becomes upon them.

Draco and Pansy both went to Hogsmeade, they went into a jewellery store and bought Engagement rings, they were half emerald half silver, just like their eyes, it was a special ring. They bought it and then hanged around hogsmeade for a while longer to prepare for the proposal, which was tomorrow.

Draco and Harry went for a lovely last meal together in the great hall, along with all their friends, they combined tables and had an amazing night, Harry ended up drunk and Draco had to carry his now passed out gryffindor prince back to bed, not before getting in with him and having an amazing night together.

-» Christmas Day «-

Harry woke up to Draco next to him, Draco was already awake and he was staring into those emerald eyes.

"Merry Christmas scarhead" Draco said kissing Harry's nose

"Merry Christmas ferret" Harry replied and kissed Draco's cheek,

They went down and they were greeted by everyone. Ron, Hermione, pansy and Blaise were all waiting.

"Merry Christmas everyone" they all exclaimed.

They all wrapped presents, they all went for their last breakfast as a group in hogwarts together, laughter filled the air, warm smiles and hugs were shared. The last breakfast together will be a memorable one.

Draco had told Harry he was needed to go somewhere and he would meet Harry later, Harry understood and decided to hang out with Ron and Hermione for the rest of the day, they spent some time going to their old bedrooms and Ron and Harry carved their initials into their old beds. They then went and said farewells to everyone, including Hagrid, the three spent a lot of time with him, considering that hagrid was the first person they ever met, and liked. They said their farewells and went back to the castle to for fill more memories before leaving.

Harry heard rumours going around, people were saying that Draco was proposing to someone, they said that he's going to propose to the mystery boy in the front courtyard, Harry was nervous, he thought Draco had cheated on him, he thought Draco had ditched him, so Harry sprinted to the fron courtyard where he saw students all gathered around and Draco standing in the middle of the yard with his hands in his pocket.

Harry ran towards his boyfriend and stood there, he wasn't sure what was going on, until Draco got down on one knee and held a beautiful ring up to Harry.

"Harry James Potter, will you be my husband" Draco said smiling at Harry

Harry let out a big gasp and then wiped his eyes, tears were pouring out, he knew this day would come eventually, Harry then walked over to the blond on his knee.

"Yes, I would love to be your husband" Harry said jumping into his now engaged man, they closed the gap with a long and passionate kiss, the students watching all clapped and cheered, Ron and Hermione both watched as their best friend finally got his wish he wanted for 7 years. They were so happy for him. Ron also proposed to Hermione, they also got to have a special wish come true.

"I love you always and forever Draco Malfoy" Harry spoke and hugged Dracos neck will giving his kisses.

"I love you too, always and forever Harry Potter" Draco said happily as they closed the gap.

The crowd couldn't stop cheerin, all the teachers just smiled, even snape.

It was an amazing end to end the most beautiful chapters of their lives. At last, emerald finally met silver.

And that was the connection that was needed for years, it was an Uncalled connection.

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