They Meet Again

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(Alright here's something about this chapter it's only about LIGHTBRUSH ok?Also the beginning is kinda off topic but whatever. Kay lets start!)
Nickel woke up panting. He looked out his window and it was dark and stars were seen.

"shut up stop breathing so much" Balloon yawned and fell back asleep.

"oh yea how about you fuckwit" He said under his breath.

Nickel got off his bed and got his arms. He went out of his room and went downstairs.

"of course nobody's awake who would be-" He stood silent when he saw Yin looking out the kitchen window.

"hm- oh hi Nickel!!" Yin whispered and waved.

"Oh- Hey uh Yin,what are you looking out for?" Yin sighed and pointed outside.

"Yang ran out and I'm worried he isn't back right now, y'know how dangerous us being separated for too long can be.." Nickel sighed and took a seat.

He noticed something off about Yin, 'he is kinda worried huh..' Yang came in quietly all scratched up.

"Yang what happened?!" Yin went up to him and helped him up. Worried for his twin?? (NOTE: yeah they're twins in my AU now so ig I'm gonna do more editing)

"It's nothing." Yang limped out the kitchen with Yin. Nickel yawned and placed his head on the table and fell asleep.

A few hours later it's morning...

"Nickel? Nickel? Wake up" He yawned and rubbed his eyes.

"hm..Oh hey Soapie" Soap sighed and gave a smile to the small boy.

"Good your finally awake thought you wouldn't, anyways did you know where getting a visit?" Soap went to start cooking, Nickel shook his head and once again yawned.

"Well we are having one" OJ walked in sitting down.

"Nice backpack" Paper was on OJ's back still asleep and Nickel quietly laughed.

OJ gasped and tried taking Paper off but couldn't so he gave up. Soap placed everyone's plates down and they all ate.

'Knock Knock.'

"hm..? That must be them!!" Fan ran to the door and SURPRISE the remaining contestants were there.

"Hello!!" Lightbulb smiles brightly letting her hair brighten up.

"Lightbulb your hair is shining to bright it hurts my eyesss" Knife complained and Lightbulb lightened down her hair.

Paintbrush walked over to the door and took Lightbulb away. They started kissing her cheek softly and Lightbulb flushed.

"Painty!! we aren't even a couple.." She blushed.

"Mhm say all you want" they continued and went they stopped Paintbrush gave a bright smile.

Their smile gave her a hard pound in her heart.

"aww you" Lightbulb pinched their cheeks and smiled.

"hey why aren't we a couple?" Paintbrush asked putting the light down.

"oh because it would be kinda long distance? Or something like that" She pulled her baggy jeans up. ( normally she wears shorts but it was cold that night so 👍 )

"So..? It wouldn't matter as long as I can love you it's fine" Paintbrush sighed and smiled and her hair brightened up and she blushed.

"O-Oh really?" She asked smiling nervously with rosy cheeks and bright hair. She didn't really know how to tell. them that she also liked Test Tube. (multi-shipper vibes LOL!)

"Yep but can you un brighten your hair a bit it's kinda hurting my eyes heh" She nodded and lightened her hair down.

They picked her up once again and brought her to their room.Paintbrush proceeded to place her on their bed and smiled..

"so wanna see something?" She smiled brightly as they nodded.

She pulled out Baxter from her hair and passed him to Paintbrush. He smiled and picked the crab up.

"hey buddy long time no see" Baxter's eyes brightens seeming as if the crab were smiling. They would go through the barrier and give baxter to the other whenever their turn would be over.

'clap clap'

Paintbrush set the crab down on the bed next to the light and hugged Lightbulb.

"H-Hey! You can't do that all the sudden!!" Lightbulb blushed letting her hair brighten and letting them cuddle her.

"Of course I can" They cuddled closer to her ignoring her hair.

A few hours pass and it's night..

"hehe you see I knew I knew!!" Fan whispered to Trophy.

"I knew's not special or anything" Trophy rolled his eyes.

"gnh" Paintbrush opened his eyes too see Trophy and Fan in front of them.

"Good night Paintbrush!! But uh Lightbulb has to leave now" Fan stared at Trophy intensely giving a smile.

"uh- quit staring at me" Trophy had small rosy cheeks and looked away.

"aw lightbulb wake up you have to go" Paintbrush pouted a little but woke her up.

"hm...oh right I have to go..well till next time right Painty? cmon Baxter let's go" She have them a kiss on the cheek and left.

Paintbrush smiled and fell back asleep...knowing that soon they'd be together..right?

(HEYYO!! soo how did you like this? Enjoyed it? Great! Anyways so information I'm gonna give is Test Tube got over her crush on Fan and Fan devolved a crush on Trophy sooooo I guess it's all mixed up now 😅 anyways bye luvvs 😀✌️❤️ ( NEW NOTE! : TEST TUBE HAS A MINOR CRUSH ON LIGHTBULB! AND LIGHTBULB HAS A CRUSH ON HER TOO, BUT LIKES PAINTBRUSH SO IDK. )

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