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This is for you straightnogayvodka ♥️

"Hell no!" Harry shouts and stares at the man in a robe next door.

"Harry?" Louis questions. He sounds shocked.

Harry closes his robe and glares at his ex-boyfriend who he apparently just moved next door to. His cheating ex-boyfriend. Great. Really fucking great!
"Don't tell me you fucking live here?" Harry growls.

"Why would I get the morning paper dressed like this otherwise? Of course I live here! Wait? Don't tell me you bought the house next door?" Louis asks and stares at him in disbelief.

"Unfortunately. Looks like I'm selling it." Harry snorts.

"Don't be stupid Haz. It's not like we live together." Louis huffs.

"Okay, one, don't fucking call me that. You lost the right to nickname me when you fucked someone else. Two, don't you ever call me stupid again. Three, I don't want to see your ugly ass face every day to remind me of what you did to me."  Harry growls. He's getting worked up.

"So, just to get this straight, I can't call you stupid but you can call me ugly?" Louis smirks.

"Yep." Harry replies, popping the P.
He takes his newspaper and returns to his house and slams the door without looking at Louis again. He leans his back against the door and closes his eyes with a deep sigh. Fuck! Louis is as beautiful as ever. Seeing him after four years apart had been an absolute shock. Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! He can't live here!

In the house next door, an equally shocked Louis makes his way inside. He can't believe it! Harry is his biggest regret in life, and his stupidest mistake. Not Harry himself, but what he did to him. He doesn't regret Harry, he regrets cheating on him. Harry isn't a mistake, he made a big one when he apparently slept with his former friend Stan.

The thing is that he doesn't even remember it. But he refuses to be one of those guys who blame the shit they do on alcohol. He takes full responsibility even if it doesn't make sense. Why would he sleep with Stan? They had been best friends forever and now they weren't anymore. Stan had become really weird afterward and thought that they had something going on now while Louis couldn't understand how that happened in the first place. He can't believe he could be that stupid and cheat on Harry. They had a really great thing going until he destroyed it. Harry had called him out, they had a big fight and Harry left him. He had been heartbroken for a really long time but he only had himself to blame.  

Now Harry is living next door. That's crazy!

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