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Harry wakes up in the middle of the night from someone shouting outside, or is that singing? He tries to fall back to sleep but the person outside is really loud. He gets up from bed with an irritated sigh and wraps his robe around himself before he walks to the kitchen window to take a look outside. The sound is coming from Louis's house. What the hell is he up to? It's two o'clock in the morning for crying out loud!

He doesn't see him so he walks to the front door to take a peek outside. There on the small strip of grass between their driveways Louis is laying on his back belting out a One Direction song. Harry furrows his eyebrows. He goes back in to put on some shoes and pulls the robe tighter around his body before he steps out again and walks over to Louis and looks down on him.
"What are you doing? It's two o'clock in the morning, Louis."

"Harreh!" Louis slurs and giggles.

"You're drunk." Harry huffs.

"I'm looshking at the schtars Harreh!" Louis replies.

"Come on, let's get you inside. You'll catch a cold if you stay there." Harry says and tries to help him stand up.

He manages to get him on his feet and Louis throws an arm around him, swaying back and forth.
"Yoush the bessst Harreh. I loooove yoush." Louis slurs and Harry can smell the alcohol in his breath.

Louis drunken babbling hurts him and he ignores it. He half carries him to his front porch.
"Where're your keys?" He asks impatiently. 

Louis leans against the door and pats his pockets. He fishes out a set of keys and drops them. "Ooops!" He giggles.

Harry leans down to pick them up with a hand on Louis's chest to keep him upright. He unlocks the door and helps Louis inside.
"It turns out I didn't ccccheat. Ssstan's a bad man." Louis slurs.

Harry furrows his eyebrows while he helps him to his bedroom. 
"What are you talking about?"

"No buttsmex." Louis giggles.

They have reached Louis's bedroom and Harry lays him down on the bed.
"You're really drunk, Lou. Go to sleep."

"Noooo! Lisssten! I didn't do it!" Louis says and pulls Harry's robe.

Harry is getting angry now. How stupid does Louis think he is?
"Right, I don't believe you. You told me a week ago you definitely had sex. Stop lying to me. Go to sleep Lou."

"Yoush don't underssstand." Louis mutters with his eyes closed. Everything is spinning.

"Just leave me alone, okay? I'm tired of your bullshit." Harry sighs and leaves the room.

He locks the front door from the outside and puts the key in the flower pot next to it. Louis will hopefully find it. He hurries back home and jumps into bed. So now after four years, Louis tries to deny sleeping with Stan all together? He has really reached a new low. He has to sell his house and get as far away from Louis as possible. His heart can't take it.

He's twisting and turning for the rest of the night and doesn't get any sleep at all. At five he gives up and heads for the kitchen to make some coffee. He ends up in front of the tv and an episode of The Office. He loves this show but not even Steve Carell makes him laugh today. He curls up in a ball and puts the blanket over himself and finally, he falls asleep. 

Louis wakes up feeling like shit. Then he remembers last night and the hangover anxiety hits him. Why would he blabber about that in his drunken state? Now he has destroyed any chance he got, no matter how small, to get Harry to hear him out. He finds his phone and calls Eleanor. She sounds as hungover as him.
"El, I fucked up!" He whines.

He tells her everything about last night after the cab dropped him off back home.
"Oh, for fucks sake. Don't worry. I'll fix this." Eleanor grunts and hangs up.

He has just gotten out of the shower when someone knocks on his front door. Hoping it's Harry he just wraps a towel around his waist and runs to open it. Eleanor is on the other side. She looks tired.
"Throw something on." She says impatiently.

She waits in the hallway while he puts on some sweats and a hoodie. He walks out to her.
"What's the rush?"

"Come on." She says and heads outside.

Louis stares after her but hurries to catch up. She's walking with determent steps towards Harry's house. Shit!
"Wait, what are you doing?"

"Just trust me, Louis." She answers simply and knocks on the front door as she reaches the house. 

Louis stares at her with his mouth hung open. She's clearly a woman on a mission. He wishes she had let him in on what that mission is. Harry opens the door and looks surprised. Eleanor pushes him to to the side and steps inside. Harry gives Louis a confused look before he turns around to talk to the stranger who just entered his house without an invitation. Louis goes after them.
"I'm sorry, who are you and what are you doing in my home?" Harry asks, sounding irritated.

"I'm Eleanor, Louis friend and I'm here to show you something that drunk fool couldn't manage to get out." Eleanor smiles and tilts her head in the direction of Louis.

"I asked you to just leave me alone." Harry huffs, directing his words towards Louis who hang his head shamefully.

"Be nice to Louis, he had an awful day yesterday. Sit down." Eleanor says firmly.

Harry raises an eyebrow in amusement but complies. She takes out her phone and clicks on something before she hands it over to Harry.
"Watch this."

Louis gasps in surprise. Of course! She filmed them. Oh! He doesn't stop Harry from watching the movie. Instead, he's watching him anxiously waiting for his reaction. Harry watches the whole thing with eyes wide open. When he's done he looks up at Louis.
"You didn't cheat on me." He says with a trembling voice.

"No." Louis answers with his heart beating fast.

"But you still thought that you were capable of it." Harry states.

"Well yeah, Stan..." Louis tries to defend himself.

"Please leave me alone now. I need time to process this." Harry sighs.

Louis's heart sinks. Harry is never gonna forgive him.

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