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"Great house! You have to give me the grand tour after we eat." Niall grins as he steps inside the hallway. He must have crossed all speed limits getting here. Harry called ten minutes ago.

They sit down at the kitchen table and Niall immediately helps himself to the food.
"So what's new?" He asks while he stuffs an eggroll in his mouth.

"Well, guess who owns the house next door?" Harry asks.

"Obama?" Niall suggests.

"Louis." Harry sighs and drags a hand through his hair.

Niall drops the eggroll and stares at Harry in disbelief with his mouth hung open.
"That Louis?"

"Yeah." Harry sighs.

"Holy shit! Does ehm, does he live there too? Stan?" Niall asks carefully.

Harry furrows his eyebrows and stares at Niall in surprise. Oh God, he hasn't even thought about that. There's no way in hell he'll live here if he has to see 'the happy couple' daily. Seeing Louis is bad enough but that would be unbearable!
"I...I don't know." He whispers.

"I didn't mean to upset you." Niall says softly, looking concerned.

Harry has to know now if that's the case. He stands up abruptly and heads for the door. Niall scrambles to his feet and follows him behind.
"What are you doing Harry?"

"I have to find out! Now!" Harry shouts over his shoulder while he hurries over to Louis' house.

"Well okay then. I'm glad you thought this through before you barge in." Niall smirks and tries to keep up.

They reach the house and Harry bangs on the door. Louis opens it and his eyes widen in surprise.
"Harry? Niall? What..."

"Does he live here with you?" Harry interrupts.

"Who?" Louis asks, looking confused.

"Stan!" Harry growls.

"What? No! We're not together, we're not even friends anymore." Louis answers upset.

"Really? I hope it was worth screwing him. I at least thought you had feelings for him. Now it just makes things ten times worse. You're such a scumbag, Louis! God!" Harry growls.

Louis looks ashamed and his eyes tear up.
"I know, okay? I have no fucking clue why I would do that, with him, to you. You're the best thing that ever happened to me and I destroyed it."

Harry stares at him angrily and lets out a humorless laugh.
"Best thing? You have a really strange way of showing it. Go to hell Louis."

With that, he storms off. Louis watches him leave in despair. He has totally forgotten about Niall until he speaks up.
"Uhm, I was totally gonna tell you to go fuck yourself four years too late but Harry took care of that and from the look on your face, I don't really want to anymore. I'm sorry."

Louis looks at him.

"If you loved him, why did you do that to him?" Niall asks with a pensive stare.

"I don't know." Louis sighs, looking utterly heartbroken.

"I better check on Harry. Bye Louis." Niall says and walks away.

Louis closes the door and gets back into the living room. A couple of minutes later Liam and Zayn hug him while he cries.
Niall finds Harry curled up on the sofa in the living room.
"Are you okay?"

"Not really. I thought I was over it but apparently not. It still hurts because I don't get it." Harry says, voice breaking.

"Louis doesn't seem to get it either." Niall says carefully. 

Harry just snorts in response.
"Okay, come on, we're going out." Niall says.

"Out where?" Harry questions.

"A bar? A club? Whatever you want." Niall smiles.

"A gay club?" Harry smirks.

"If it makes you happy, sure." Niall chuckles.

"I haven't gone out in ages! What should I wear?" Harry asks and sits up, looking excited.

"Uhm, what's wrong with what you're wearing now?" Niall asks.

"You're so silly. Come on! Do you wanna borrow something?" Harry giggles and heads for the walk-in closet. One of the many reasons he bought this house.

Niall looks down at his black t-shirt and jeans.
"I don't know? A button-up maybe as long as it's not pink or sparkly."

Harry smirks. He goes through his shirts and hands Niall a simple black one with short sleeves.
"No offense but I'm a bit taller than you. If you wear short sleeves you don't have to think about the shirt looking too big on you."

Niall rolls his eyes in amusement and puts the shirt on without a word. Harry has a good point. In the meantime, Harry has put on some black dress pants with a really high waist, a pink button-up, and black suspenders. Niall is eyeing him up and down with a smile on his lips.
"What?" Harry questions while he puts on a pearl necklace.

"I don't know anyone else that could pull that off. You look great!" Niall grins.

"Too much?" Harry asks and bites his lower lip.

"Absolutely not! The guys are gonna be all over you tonight. Come on! Lead me to the gay bar!" Niall chuckles.

They take a cab downtown and Harry takes him to one of the popular gay clubs. It's crowded and the music is loud. They head to the bar right away. They have to stand in line for a while until they finally can reach the bar. Harry orders a fruity cocktail and Niall gets a beer. Harry turns around and crashes into someone.

He looks down and is met by two familiar ocean blue eyes.
"You." He grunts.

"Me." Louis replies.

"Fucking awesome." Harry mutters.

"The guys thought I need a night out." Louis feels the need to explain.

"Yeah? Well, you just rained on my fucking parade." Harry mutters.

"Fine, I'll just go." Louis sighs and looks sad.

That tugs at Harry's heartstrings. He hates to see Louis sad.
"Don't. It's a big club. We can co-exist."

"Sure?" Louis asks.

"Yeah." Harry answers and turns around to walk away. He downs his cocktail and heads back to the bar and orders a glass of tequila. This is not the time for shots. He's getting drunk.

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