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Three weeks go by and they hardly see each other. Harry can almost pretend that Louis isn't living in the house next door. He would lie if he says that he doesn't keep a close watch tho. He can't help it. He wonders if Louis is seeing someone but no strange guy is knocking at Louis' door and Harry feels relieved. That's just stupid.

On Saturday he takes on the task to clean his gutters. The last time it rained a couple of days ago he noticed that they're really clogged.

He brings a bucket, some garden gloves, and a ladder. He leans the ladder against the gutter and makes sure it's steady before he climbs it. He takes a look as soon as he reaches the top. It's filled with leaves and other unidentified things. This will take the whole day.

He starts to work and soon the bucket is filled. He has prepared a garbage bag on the ground and climbs down to empty it. After a couple of rounds, Louis steps out on his porch to drink coffee. Great. Just what he needs, his cheating ex-boyfriend as an audience.

He fills the bucket once more and climbed down again to empty it. He's almost all the way down when he slips and loses his balance. He falls on his back with an "ooof." Hitting the ground knocks the air out of his lungs and he gasps, trying to catch his breath. He hurt his back as well.
"Oh my God! Are you okay?" Louis shouts as he comes running over to check on him.

"I think so." Harry breathes out.

"Do I need to call an ambulance?" Louis asks, sounding panicked.

"No, I'm fine. I hurt my back so if you could help me up I would appreciate it." Harry answers with blushed cheeks. This is embarrassing.

"What if it's broken? Should I really move you?" Louis rambles.

Harry waves his arms and moves his legs.
"Look, I'm not paralyzed."

Louis leans down and helps him to stand up carefully. Harry grimaces from the pain and lets out a grunt. He tries to take a step forward but that hurts like hell and he holds his hand against his lower back.
"Okay, lean on me." Louis says and puts his arm around him for support.

It's not like he has a choice unless he wants to spend the night outside so Harry wraps his arm around Louis's shoulders and leans heavily on him. They take it step by step and they walk slowly.
"You shouldn't be on a ladder at all Hazza. You're such a clutz." Louis says softly.

"Well, those gutters won't clean themselves." Harry snorts.

They make it to the living room and Harry sits down.
"Thanks, Lou...Louis. I'm okay now." Harry says dismissively.

"Really? How are you gonna get to the bathroom? Make something to eat?" Louis smirks and crosses his arms over his chest.

"I'll manage. I'm much better now." Harry lies.

"Prove it." Louis demands.

Harry huffs but manages to stand up. His back is protesting.
"See?" He says.

"Walk." Louis says.

Harry rolls his eyes at him and tries to take a step. He grunts in pain and sits down again with a sigh.
"Do you want to call Niall?" Louis asks softly.

Harry debates with himself whether He should lie or not but then again he can't really move and he really doesn't wanna pee on the sofa.
"He's in Ireland."

"Someone else I can call? Friend or ehm, b-boyfriend?" Louis grunts the word boyfriend.

"No! I'm the loser without friends or boyfriend, okay?" Harry raises his voice. He looks upset.

Louis's features soften.
"I didn't mean to upset you Haz. You're not a loser."

"I don't want you to pity me, Louis!" Harry says, voice breaking.

"I'm not! Okay, I'm staying. Are you hungry?" Louis smiles.

"No." Harry says grumpily.

"I'm making lunch but first I'll get you some pain killers. Do you have a warming pillow? Louis asks. He looks happy.

"I don't know what that is." Harry mutters.

"You heat it in the microwave. It's great! I have one so I'll run over and get it but first some pills. Do you wanna lay down?" Louis answers, sounding excited.

"Okay." Harry agrees.

Louis helps him to lay down before he goes to the bathroom to find some pain medication. He returns with a glass of water, a pillow, and some pills. Harry swallows them down with a sip of water.

Louis takes the glass again and sets it down on the coffee table before he puts the pillow under Harry's head. He pulls the blanket over him.


"Okay, good. I'll be right back. I'm just gonna run home quickly." Louis answers and hurries out of the room.

When did Louis freaking Tomlinson turns into Florence Nightingale?

He returns ten minutes later with an overnight bag. Harry raises an eyebrow.
"Are you moving in?"

Louis rolls his eyes but he blushes.
"I'm staying over and I would like to be able to brush my teeth and change clothes, you know?"

"Makes sense." Harry says and can't help but smile. This is the Louis he fell in love with once. The little shy and adorably cute Louis. He curses at himself internally. Don't go down that road again. It only means heartbreak and misery.

Louis goes into the kitchen with a plastic bag in his hand. Harry wonders what he's up to but he doesn't say anything. Louis returns a couple of minutes later with a small pillow in his hand. He kneels in front of the sofa and helps Harry to sit up and pulls his shirt up in the back. He lays the pillow on the cushion and helps him to lay back again. The pillow is warm and it feels wonderful.
"Is it placed right?"

"Perfect. Thank you. It feels great." Harry smiles.

Louis returns the smile and heads back into the kitchen. He comes back ten minutes later with two bowls containing chicken noodle soup. He helps Harry to sit up again as soon as he put the bowls down on the coffee table. Harry is actually starving and digs in.
"This is good. You finally learned how to cook?"

Louis cackles out loud.
"No, it's from a box."

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