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Harry falls asleep after lunch and wakes up two hours later. The house is really quiet.
"Louis?" He shouts.

He really needs to pee. He tries calling for him again a little bit louder this time but he doesn't get an answer. So Louis probably went home. That shouldn't make him feel disappointed.

He sits up with a sigh. That hurt. He tries to stand up carefully. So far so good. He takes a deep breath and tries to walk. That hurts like hell!  He's still holding on to the couch so he won't fall over. He takes a couple of more small steps and grunts from how much it hurts. Okay, nothing more to hold on to. He can do this. The bathroom isn't that far away. He just hopes he'll make it before he wets himself. Before he takes another step Louis comes running.
"What are you doing?"

"I really need to wee. I thought you went home." Harry answers.

Louis puts his arm around him to help him to the bathroom.
"I was outside. I cleaned your gutters."

Harry stares at him in disbelief.

"Because otherwise you'll be on that ladder as soon as you can walk again and I really don't want you to fall down again." Louis answers.

"Stop trying to be nice." Harry huffs.

They have reached the bathroom and Louis helps him sit down on the toilet. Harry looks up to thank him just to find Louis's eyes filled with tears.

"Just because I did one horrible, awful thing to you that I regret every day doesn't mean that I'm a complete monster! I know that I hurt you and you can't even comprehend how sorry I am about that but I can be nice too." Louis says and wipes his eyes.

Harry's mouth falls open.
"Of course Lou. I shouldn't have said that. It was totally uncalled for. I'm sorry. Thank you for cleaning my gutters and helping me out. I really appreciate it." Harry says softly.

Louis snorts and leaves the bathroom without another word. Harry feels really bad but he also really have to pee so he stands up to pull down his pants and sits down again.

He manages to get over to the sink to wash his hands and after that, he just stares at his own reflection in the mirror until Louis knocks on the door.
"Are you done?"


Louis helps him back to the couch without uttering a word. Harry can see that he's been crying. As soon as Harry is back on the couch Louis turns around to leave.
"Why?" Harry asks.

Louis stops on his tracks and his body is sensitive.
"Why what?" He asks with his back turned to Harry.

"You know what I'm asking. Why did you do it? I thought we were doing great. I don't get it. Why?" Harry asks, sounding vulnerable.

Louis sighs and turns around to face him.
"I honestly don't know Haz. I know that's hard to believe and it just sounds like some bullshit excuse but it's the truth."

"Were you really drunk?" Harry asks, trying to understand.

"No, and even if I had been it's not an excuse." He furrows his eyebrows. "I mean, I had like four beers during the evening. I got really tired all of a sudden and after that, I don't remember anything. I don't know, I've been going through this a thousand times in my head but I have no good explanation. I'm sorry. We were doing great. I'm sorry I destroyed it." Louis says and is about to leave again, thinking Harry wants to be alone.

Harry tries to sort out what Louis just told him.
"Did you take drugs or did you get drugged?"

Louis turns around again.
"No, I didn't take anything. Why would I get drugged? Who would drug me?"

"I don't know. How can you be so sure that you had sex with Stan? Maybe it didn't really happen." Harry says, sounding hopeful.

"It happened." Louis sighs.

"But if you don't reme..." Harry tries to argue but Louis cuts him off.

"Don't do that. It happened."

"How do you know?" Harry asks defiantly.

"I just know. Leave it, Harry." Louis replied, sounding sad and tired.

"But..." Harry starts to protest again.

"I woke up naked in a bed next to a naked Stan. There was a filled condom on the floor. It happened." Louis says frustrated.

"Oh." Harry's heart sinks.

"And Stan said it happened as well. I have known him my whole life. He was my best friend. He wouldn't lie to me. I'm really sorry Harry." Louis sighs.

Harry doesn't answer. He just lays down and turns his head away, staring at the couch cushions. He needs to cry and he rather not have Louis in the room while he does it. He thought he was over this. It's been four damn years and he was doing fine. But seeing and interacting with Louis again just reopened the wound he gave him. He turns his head to see if Louis is still there. He's not and the tears start rolling down his cheeks. 

They skip dinner. Harry can hear that Louis is in the kitchen crying as well. The sound of his deep sobs hurts him even more but it's not his place to comfort him. Not anymore. There's nothing he can say to make him feel better anyhow. He can't forgive him for breaking them. Maybe he should be the better man and forgive him but he just can't. Louis broke him. He thought he had found the one. The one he would spend the rest of his life with. The one he would marry and have children with. It felt so right until it suddenly didn't. Louis wasn't the man he thought he was.

Louis helps him get to bed later that night. They don't talk at all. Not even a goodnight. Louis heads over to the guestroom. He leaves their bedroom doors open in case Harry needs him. He would rather be anywhere but in this house at the moment but he can't just leave Harry in this state. Hopefully he'll be able to move by himself tomorrow. Then they can go back to avoiding each other. Maybe he should just sell his house?

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