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Harry calls the real estate office the next morning to see if he can undo the buy. They're surprised and after a discussion, Harry realizes that he will lose a lot of money if he withdraws. He has worked his ass off to be able to buy this house and it would take some time for him to be able to buy a house as nice as this again. He's stuck! He decides to keep it. He won't see that much of Louis hopefully. They're just neighbors.

He has taken vacation days for  Thursday and Friday to settle in and he spends two days unpacking boxes and moving pieces of furniture around. On Saturday afternoon his house is starting to look like a home and he decides to pick up some Chinese food to celebrate. He grabs his car keys and heads outside.

He stops in his tracks as soon as he's on his driveway. Louis is outside and be damned, isn't that Liam and Zayn? He hasn't seen Louis' friends in years. Well, no wonder.

He tries to sneak into his car unnoticed but Liam sees him.
"Oh my God! Harry?"

He grunts internally but turns around to face them.
"Hi, Liam. Zayn."

He hopes that will be it but Liam and Zayn cross Louis's driveway to come and talk with him. Louis is dragging his feet behind.
"It's great to see you mate! How have you been?" Liam says excitedly with a smile on display.

"Great! You?" Harry answers politely. He really likes Liam and Zayn. It's the third one he has a problem with. The one that's currently staring at his shoes.

"I'm good. So wait, you live here now?" Liam asks, totally oblivious of the awkward tension surrounding him.

"Yeah, I moved in a couple of days ago." Harry answers. The universe is really against him at the moment.

"That's awesome!" Liam says. Zayn hasn't said a word yet. He's looking between Harry and Louis curiously.

"Yeah, not really." Harry mutters and glares at Louis.

Louis looks up and their eyes meet. He seems embarrassed. Harry looks away.

Liam finally catches up and blushes.
"Oh, yeah, I forgot what happened between the two of you. I'm sorry."

"Don't sweat it. It's really nice to see you, you too Zayn but I should get going." Harry answers with a polite smile.

"Bye." Zayn says and waves.

Harry gets in his car and backs out from his driveway. The boys walk over to Louis again. As soon as they can't see Harry's car anymore Liam and Zayn turn to stare at Louis.
"The love of your life moves in next door and you failed to mention that?" Liam questions.

Louis just shrugs his shoulders dismissively. He really doesn't want to talk about it.

"This could be a good thing. Maybe you could get another chance?" Zayn suggests softly.

"He fucking hates me, as he should. I cheated on him." Louis sighs. He can feel tears prick behind his eyes and blinks rapidly to keep them away.

"Yeah, I never got that. You're not the unfaithful type. You and Harry were so happy and why Stan of all people? It doesn't make sense." Liam argues.

"Apparently I'm a stupid homewrecker. Just leave it Li." Louis grunts.

Liam and Zayn don't push it and they walk inside Louis's house to hang out. Half an hour later Harry returns to his house with Chinese food. He looks around when he steps out of the car but no one is there. He hurries inside and puts the food on a kitchen counter. He feels lonely.

He moved to London five years ago when he landed his dream job at a record label. He knew no one and it was hard to make friends as an adult. He met Louis out on a gay club a couple of months later and they just clicked. Everything looked bright for a moment. He fell fast and he fell hard.

After a month of intense dating, they talked about how they felt and became a couple. He was so happy! It felt so right. He had found the person he wanted to spend the rest of his life with, or so he thought. With Louis Liam and Zayn came along and Harry really liked them and considered them friends as well. Everything seemed to fall in place. Someone else that also came along was Louis's childhood friend Stan. Harry noticed right away that Stan felt more for Louis than just a platonic friendship and he was really possessive and jealous over Louis. When he talked about it with Louis he just laughed and told him he was wrong. Nevertheless, Stan was the one Louis slept with at a party. Harry had caught a nasty cold and stayed at home.

Louis didn't come home that night. They had just moved in together after six months as a couple. Maybe they had been moving too fast but they seemed to be on the same page. Apparently, they weren't. Harry had been worried but didn't want to come off as the clingy type that didn't trust his partner so he went to sleep.

Louis came home the next morning looking guilty, sad, and devastated. He told him that he had sex with Stan last night. After a lot of screaming and crying from both sides, and a surprise visit from no other than Stan, Harry had packed his bags and left. That was four years ago and he hadn't seen Louis since. Well, until now. Seeing Louis again reopened the wounds he had caused.

He had managed to make one new friend, Niall. He worked at the same record label. He had called him and he got to stay with him until he found a new apartment. Harry picks up his phone to call him.
"Hi mate, what are you doing today? I just ordered a ton of Chinese food."

"Food? I'll be right over!" Niall answers and hangs up.

Harry chuckles in amusement. Food is Niall's weak spot. He takes out two plates and sets the table.

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