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Louis gets angrier and angrier as the week goes by and on Saturday he's absolutely furious. He needs answers and he needs them now!

Eleanor shows up at nine and he immediately grabs his things and heads out. It's a four-hour drive to Doncaster. Harry has just fetched his morning paper and is eyeing them curiously. Louis raises a hand as a hello and Harry bows his head once in a silent greeting. Louis sighs and walks up to Eleanor and hugs her. They have become friends during the week and she has been a great support. She looks at Harry with sparkling eyes and as soon as he's inside his house she turns to Louis.
"Oh, my God, your neighbor is absolutely gorgeous! Is he single?" She asks excitedly.

Louis giggles.
"Yes but he's also gay."

"All the pretty ones are." Eleanor sighs.

Then she gets excited again.
"Why haven't you made a move on him?"

"Well...that's Harry, my ex." Louis sighs.

Eleanors jaw drops.
"No way! He lives next door?"

"Yeah, he moved in a couple of weeks ago. He didn't know that I live here, obviously." Louis explains as they get in his car to drive to Doncaster.

"That's great!" Eleanor beams.

"Yeah, not really. He hates me for cheating on him." Louis sighs.

"But you didn't." Eleanor protests.

"That's what we're going to find out." Louis says determent.

Eleanor keeps joking to make him feel better and it's working for a while but as they're coming closer and closer to Doncaster his mood drops. 

He parks outside Stans apartment complex and they just sit in the car for a while. When he finally feels ready to confront his former best friends he unbuckles his seatbelt and they walk towards the building. 

Louis finds the right door and bangs on it. He hopes Stan is home otherwise they made this trip for nothing. The door opens and Stan stares at him in surprise.
"Louis? What are you doing here?"

"I need answers." Louis growls and pushes himself past Stan and stomps inside.

Stan lets Eleanor inside as well before he closes the door behind them. He looks nervous. Louis turns around to glare at him.
"What happened at that party? Tell me the truth!"

"What party?" Stan mumbles, avoiding eye contact.

"You know what fucking party I'm talking about. Spill!" Louis growls angrily.

"You already know what happened, Louis. We slept together." Stan states.

Louis gives Eleanor a quick look. She has her phone out. Is she Instagramming now? Where was he? Right. He glares at Stan again.
"Well, Eleanor here was at the same party and she has told me that you put something in my drink. Did you fucking roofie me and, and rape me?" Louis yells. 

Stan stares at him. He has gone pale.
"No! I would never do that! That's too much! No Louis!"

"So what did you do then? Tell me the fucking truth!" Louis screams. He's furious.

"I...it was just some sleeping pills okay?" Stan admits with a shaky voice.

Louis stares at him in disbelief.
"You drugged me? Why? Why the hell did you do that? We were friends! So you did rape me?"

"No! We never had sex, okay?" Stan answers in panic.

"What?" Louis gasps. "But we were naked. There was a condom on the floor!"

"I staged it to look like we had sex. You fell asleep and I...took your clothes off. There was soap in the condom. I'm sorry Lou." Stan manages to get out.

"Why?" Louis asks.

Stan sighs and scratches his chin.
"I had been in love with you forever. I hoped that you would feel the same one day and I was patient. Then you met Harry and the two of you became serious really fast. I got desperate. I thought that if you believed we had sex you would finally open your eyes and see me as something more than just a pal."

"How could you do that to me? You fucking ruined everything!" Louis yells and punches him right over the nose.

Stan falls back from the sudden impact. Louis jumps him and hits him again.
"Louis! Stop! He's not worth it!" Eleanor shouts and tries to pull him away.

Louis stops with his fist in the air. She's right. He won't go to jail for beating the shit out of this scumbag. He gets up and looks down at Stan. His nose is bleeding and a black eye is forming.
"I will never forgive you for destroying my relationship with Harry. I never wanna see you again."

"I am sorry Louis." Stan answers.

"Sorry doesn't help. Go to hell." With that, he storms off and Eleanor hurries to keep up with him.

He tosses her the car keys when they get outside.
"You drive. I'm too upset."

"No wonder. That was insane!" Eleanor says and unlocks the car.

Louis doesn't answer. He stares out the window as they take off. Ten minutes later Eleanor glances at him.
"Are you okay?"

"No." Louis sighs.

"You should talk to Harry." She encourages.

"Maybe." Louis mutters. He's not sure that Harry will believe him anyway.

He closes his eyes and falls asleep. Eleanor drives in silence. She feels so sorry for him. That was some crazy shit. How could Stan do that to him? Talk about betrayal. Louis must be absolutely devastated. She hopes he'll talk to his ex-boyfriend about it and that they can work it out. Stan can't win!

She wakes him up when they're a half-hour from London.
"We're almost home."

"Take me to a bar." Louis says and yawns.

"I don't know if that's a good idea, Louis." She protests softly.

"I don't care. I need to cut loose. Forget about this awful day for a moment at least. I can't deal with it right now." Louis says.

Eleanor gives him a quick glance. He looks so sad.
"I guess we're drinking then."

Louis gives her a thankful smile that doesn't reach his eyes.

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