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He succeeded. The room is spinning or maybe he is? Yeah, he's dancing with some guy and he is spinning him around at the moment. He shouldn't do that. He will probably puke. How much tequila did he drink? Way too much for his own good. Where's Niall? Who is this guy he's dancing with? God, he's drunk and he really does have to puke. 

He stumbles towards the toilets with his hand over his mouth. There's a line. He won't make it. He tries his best to hold it in while he impatiently waits for his turn. He's cold sweating. 

The guy before him turns around and gives him a once-over with a flirty smile. A sleaze bag. He comes closer and pushes him against the wall. Harry tries to push him away but he can't coordinate his arms. He just fumbles at his chest and the sleaze seems to take it as an invite and grinds his cock against Harry's leg.     
"N-no." Harry slurs.

"Hey! Get off him!" Someone shouts beside them.

Harry turns his head and tries to focus. It's Louis and his twin brother. He sees two Louis' and starts to giggle. The man is still pressed against him until Louis pushes the man off him. Maybe he should make out with Louis and his twin brother instead? He has never done twins. Oh God, awful thought. He's really drunk and he really has to puke.  

Someone is shaking his shoulder. Don't do that. He will puke. He looks up briefly and meets two worried eyes before he folds over and pukes on the floor. Not just the floor. He pukes on Louis as well before he jumps away. Ooops! But he doesn't leave. He has an arm around him and pushes his hair away while he pukes his guts out. Someone is complaining loudly about him throwing up and Louis tells them to "fuck off."

Harry would giggle if he wasn't busy puking. It doesn't seem to end. All that lovely Chinese food from earlier comes up. What a waste. He's never eating Chinese again. Finally, there's nothing left in his stomach. His legs are shaking. That was disgusting and if he hadn't been waisted he would die from embarrassment.
"Better?" Louis asks softly.

"Schorry. Where ish Niall? I need to shget home. Harry slurs.

"He passed out. Zayn and Liam literally had to carry him outside and take him home." Louis informs him.

"What? He jusssht leshft me? Nooo!" Harry complains.

"He was absolutely smashed. You drank him under the table Haz. I wasn't kidding when I told you they had to carry him outside." Louis says.

Harry realizes that Louis still has his arm around him and he shrugs it off.
"M'gonna go. Schorry for puking on you. Okay, bye." Harry slurs and tries to walks out of there, heavily leaning against the wall for support. 

"Come on. I'm taking you home." Louis sighs.

"I-sh don't want yourh help." Harry huffs.

"Too bad, you're getting it anyway. You're so fucking drunk Haz. I'm helping you get home safely." Louis says, sounding irritated.


Louis puts his arm around Harry's waist to help him walk.
"Honestly Harry. I have never seen you this drunk before. I don't like it."

"Yoush don't get to have an oppishnion." Harry slurs.

"I know." Louis sighs.

They get outside and the fresh air makes Harry sober up a bit. Louis stops a cab and helps Harry inside and buckles his seatbelt. He walks around to get in the back with Harry.
"You smell like puke. You're not getting in my cab if you puked on yourself." the driver says.

Louis rolls his eyes and kicks off his shoes and leaves them on the curb.

"Yeah, where to?"

"Peach street, 16."

The driver takes off. Harry is swaying, unable to sit up straight. He's tired and everything is spinning. He falls against Louis and snaps his body back up which only makes him fall to the other side and hit the door. He rubs his head.

Louis sighs and puts an arm around him and pulls him down against his chest with a hand protectively on his head. Harry is too tired to protest. He nuzzles in and inhales that wonderful scent that is Louis before he falls asleep. Louis caresses his hair and looks down on him longingly.

He pays the driver and tries to wake up Harry but he's passed out. He feels his pockets and finds his keys and manages to pick him up bridal style and carries him to his house. He fumbles with the keys before he finally manages to unlock the front door. He steps inside and locks the door behind them. He stops in the hallway for a second in an effort to take in the floor plan. It looks a lot like his own house so he starts to walk towards the living room.

He finds Harry's bedroom and carefully places him on the bed and pulls the cover over him. He looks down at him for a moment and brushes a stray of hair from his eyes before he lets out a sigh. Harry looks so young and innocent sleeping.

He takes his shoes off and puts the cover back over his feet before he goes into the bathroom connected to the bedroom. He hesitates briefly before he opens the cabinet next to the mirror and finds a bottle of painkillers. He takes the bottle and a waste bin before he heads back to the bedroom. Harry hasn't moved.

He puts the bottle on his nightstand and the waste bin on the floor after he removes the lid. He walks into the kitchen and finds a glass and fills it with water and returns to the bedroom to put it down on the nightstand next to the bottle of pain medication.

He leaves the door ajar so he will be able to hear if Harry needs help. He won't be happy to find him there in the morning but he can't just leave him in this state.
He finds a blanket neatly folded on one of the armrests of the sofa in the living room and grabs it. He uses the armrest as a pillow even if it's a bit uncomfortable and spreads the blanket over his body. He somehow falls asleep after a while. 



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