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Harry stares into nothing for what feels like an eternity. He's in shock and he doesn't know what he's supposed to do with this information. He needs advice so he calls Niall and tells him everything.
"That's great!" Niall shouts excitedly. "Well, not what happened to Louis. That's fucked up! But he never cheated on you, Harry."

"But he thought he was capable of doing it." Harry sighs.

"Now you're just being stubborn Harry. Try to put yourself in his situation." Niall argues.

"What are you getting at?" Harry huffs.

"Okay, you and I are great friends and you trust me, right?" Niall starts off.

"Of course." Harry immediately replies.

"So if you and I went to a party together and you woke up with me in bed the next morning, both butt naked with a sleazy condom on the floor and I told you that we had sex. Would you think I was lying?" Niall questions.

"First of all, horrible thought, no offense." Harry says.

"None taken. I'm not exactly keen on the idea either. " Niall chuckles.

"Second of all, I get your point. No, I wouldn't question you. I would believe you because you're my friend and I trust you." Harry sighs.

"So can you forgive Louis for something he didn't do, other than trust his best friend?" Niall asks.

"Yeah..." Harry says and tears up.

"Great, now go get your boyfriend back!" Niall cheers.

"It's been four years Ni. He's over me." Harry mutters.

"He's not! Trust me. I talk a lot to Liam and Zayn. Go get your man!" Niall demands.

They hang up and Harry is pacing back and forth in his living room, trying to make up his mind and as soon as he decides to go for it he rushes out his door and runs over to Louis'. His heart skips a beat when the man of his dreams opens the door with puffy eyes and messy hair. He takes one step closer, cradles Louis' cheeks with both hands, and crashes their lips together. Louis lets out a surprised gasp but kisses him back right away. Harry wraps his arms around him and pulls him closer.

They kiss until they have to come up for air. Harry caresses Louis's cheek with his thumb and looks deeply into his eyes.
"I love you. I never stopped. Let's try again."

Louis's eyes get teary.
"Yeah? I love you too and I'm so sorry for everything."

"It wasn't your fault Lou. I'm glad you punched him." Harry says.

"Me too. Are you sure about this? Can you trust me? I mean..." Louis hesitates.

"I'm sure and I think I can trust you. Let's take it slow. Start with inviting me inside." Harry says with a smile.

So Louis does and that's the new beginning for them. Six months later Harry sells his house and moves in with Louis. He uses some of the money to build an extension to the house with a walk-in closet and a luxury spa section.

They have found their way back to each other and this time nothing or no one will ever break them apart again.

The End

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