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Harry is a little better the next day. He can walk by himself so Louis goes home to his house. Harry doesn't need him anymore and after the upsetting conversation, they had the day before he needs to get away from the tension between them. It feels like he can't breathe. Harry thanks him for the help and he sounds sincere.

Louis spends the rest of Sunday moping in front of the tv. There's a reason he has stayed single for the last four years. He hasn't been able to get over Harry but he sure as hell will try his best now. Harry will never forgive him and why should he?

He drags his feet to work on Monday morning. He hasn't slept much. He works as a sports agent and usually he really likes his job but he's in a funky mood. He greets the new receptionist. It's her first day.

She's a cute brunette and her nametag reads Miss Calder. Her eyes grow wide when she sees Louis.
"It's you!"

"I'm sorry, do we know each other?" Louis asks confused.

"No, but I've been hoping I would run into you someday. I'm Eleanor by the way." The girl says.

It doesn't sound like she's flirting with him. Her cryptic answer makes him even more confused.

She looks around nervously.
"Can we talk somewhere in private?"

Is she crazy? What's going on?
"Ehm, sure, my office is over there."

She follows him inside and he closes the door behind them and motion for her to take a seat. She looks nervous.
"What's up?" Louis asks.

"I have to get this off my chest. It's been eating at me for years." Eleanor answers and fiddles with her hands.

Louis gives her a confused look so she takes a deep breath and starts to explain.
"We were at the same party a couple of years ago. I think it has been four years? At Jonathan Meyers. You were there with a friend." She stares at him to see if he has any recollection of it.

Of course he has. It was that party. The one where he cheated on Harry.
"Yeah, I went to that party."

"Oh good, you remember." Eleanor says looking relieved.

"What about it?" Louis questions.

"I was really drunk that night but I'm pretty sure I saw someone slip something into your drink." Eleanor says with a worried frown. 

"What?" Louis stares at her in shock.

"Uhm yeah, and I was coming over to you to tell you but your friend you were with told me to mind my own business and he reassured me that he would take care of you so I walked away." Eleanor says and bites her lower lip.

Louis just stares at her with his mouth hung open but it doesn't end there.
"I went home after that because as I said, I was pretty drunk. When I woke up the next morning I thought about the incident and...and I'm pretty sure your friend is the one who spiked your drink. I know that sounds impossible and I'm not 100 percent sure. I mean, he's probably a good friend to you and why would he do that? I didn't know your name so I couldn't check up on you to see that you were okay. You are right? Nothing happened? I know it's a long time ago but as I said, it's been bugging me for all these years. I mean, if it had been a girl I would definitely think that something bad happened but he's your friend, why..."

Louis has gone pale.
"Something happened." He almost whispers.

Eleanor stares at him and her eyes tear up.
"Oh no, he...he raped you?" She asks softly and hurries to add "you don't have to tell me, I totally get if you don't want to talk about it."

"I guess... We had sex but I topped. At least I think so. I don't remember but ehm, I hadn't been...you know." Louis answers. He's in total shock.

"I'm so sorry. I should have told you then. I should have stopped him." Eleanor answers upset.

"It's not your fault. I can't believe it." Louis replies.

"I shouldn't have told you this, should I?" Eleanor asks, looking devastated.

"I'm glad you did. Thank you. It explains a lot. I didn't cheat on Harry. At least not voluntarily." Louis whispers and gets emotional.

"Is Harry your boyfriend?" Eleanor asks softly.

"He was. We broke up after that because I cheated on him." Louis answers.

Eleanor gasps.
"That's horrible!"

"Yeah." Louis sighs and rubs his hands over his face.

"You should tell this Harry what happened." Eleanor suggests softly.

"Right, like he will believe me. It's been four years. Technically I still had sex with someone else." Louis snorts.

"Not on purpose." Eleanor argues.

"I don't understand why Stan would do that to me. We were friends!" Louis says upset.

"Maybe you should ask him?" Eleanor suggests.

Louis stares at her.
"Yes. He has some explaining to do!" He growls angrily.

"Do you ehm, want me to come with you for support? I know we don't know each other but I can back you up if he tries to deny it." Eleanor says.

"Would you do that for me?" Louis asks, totally baffled.

"Of course! That's the least I can do. I feel so bad. If I just had told you then nothing of this would have happened." Eleanor replies, sounding remorseful.

"I don't blame you. Yeah, I would like it if you came with me. We have to wait until Saturday tho. He moved back to Doncaster." Louis informs her.

"Saturday works for me." Eleanor smiles.

"Great! Thanks for telling me all of this." Louis says and offers her a half-hearted smile.

He spends the rest of the day in a haze. He has a hard time coping. What did Stan do to him? Why would he do that to him? Did he do what he thinks he did? He feels violated. Dirty. Shocked. Miserable.

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