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"What the hell are you doing in my house?"

Louis grunts and opens his eyes slowly. Harry is staring at him angrily. Great. He sits up and yawns. His neck is really stiff.
"What the he..." Harry starts to repeat his question and Louis cuts him off.

"I helped you home last night, okay? You were really drunk and I had to carry you inside. I was worried so I stayed so you wouldn't die from alcohol poisoning." Louis explains and looks up at Harry. He seems really hungover.

"Oh. Ehm, thanks but you didn't have to do that. I had Niall with me last night." Harry answers.

"Well, he passed out." Louis chuckles.

"At the club?" Harry asks.

"Yeah, Liam and Zayn took him home." Louis explains.

"Poor Niall."

There's an awkward silence between them after that so Louis stands up.
"Okay, you're alive so I'm gonna leave you to it."

Harry follows him to the hallway.
"Ehm, thanks for getting me home."

"No problem." Louis smiles and heads for the door.

"Where're your shoes?" Harry asks when he notices that Louis is about to step out in his socks.

Louis turns around to look at him with glittery eyes.
"You puked all over them and the taxi driver wouldn't let me in the car so I left them on the curb." He chuckles.

Harry gasps in horror.
"I puked on you? Oh God, I'm so sorry!"

"Don't worry about it. It happens to the best of us." Louis winks before he unlocks the door and opens it. He turns around one last time. "Goodbye Harry."

"Goodbye, Louis and thanks again." Harry replies.

Louis nods his head and leaves. Harry goes back to the living room and hides underneath the blanket. It smells vaguely like Louis. Why would he get so drunk last night and why did Louis take care of him? He feels embarrassed. He's also really hungover.

He decides to take a shower. He has already taken some pain medication and the nasty headache he woke up with is better. Louis must have put the bottle on his nightstand. That's really sweet. He still cheated! Harry needs to remind himself of that.

He gets up and heads for the bathroom. A shower makes him feel better and he dresses comfortably afterward and makes lunch. He calls Niall to check up on him.
"Kill me." Niall answers with a grunt.

"That bad?" Harry chuckles.

"Yep. I'm never going out with you again." Niall answers.

"Sorry!"  Harry apologizes. 

"But wait, are you okay? You were so drunk last night. I just bailed on you! Did you get home safe?" Niall asks worriedly.

"Yeah, ehm, Louis took me home." Harry says and blushes.

"Oh, okay then." Niall answers, knowing that Louis is a sensitive subject.

"Yeah, he must have carried me inside. I am pretty sure I passed out. I woke up in my bed and found him on the couch." Harry says. He's not even sure why he's telling Niall all of this.

"He stayed over?" Niall asks.

"Uhm, yeah. He said that he wanted to make sure that I didn't die of alcohol poisoning." Harry mumbles.

"That's ni... very considerate of him." Niall answers, choosing his words carefully. 

"Yeah, Louis is...was a nice guy until he suddenly wasn't." Harry sighs.

"We all make mistakes Harry and he really seems to regret it." Niall answers.

Harry snorts.
"Some mistakes are unforgivable."

"Yeah, okay."

They talk some more before they hang up. Harry eats his lunch in front of the tv where he spends the rest of his day just fighting the hangover. He goes to bed early.

As soon as he steps outside his house on Monday morning to get to work, Louis comes out from his house at the same time. Harry mutters a "good morning" before he gets in his car and drives off.

Maybe he's being silly but meeting Louis first thing in the morning really puts him down. He doesn't feel like himself until lunch. His mind won't stop playing a movie in his head about their time together until that awful day when Louis came home and told him that he had slept with Stan. He refused to believe it at first. He thought it was some cruel joke or something. But Louis started to cry, begging for forgiveness and that was when hell broke loose. Stan showed up unannounced all of a sudden and confirmed that they had sex. He was gloating about it. Louis had been near a panic attack but Harry couldn't be there so he packed his bags and left and never looked back. Louis had Stan to take care of him anyway, except he apparently didn't. They didn't get together and they weren't even friends anymore, according to Louis at least. Who knows? Maybe he just said that because he thought it would somehow make Harry feel better?

He won't let Louis Tomlinson destroy his workday just because he happens to live next door so the next morning he leaves for work a half-hour earlier than he has to. But as soon as he steps outside his house so is Louis. Harry stomps to his car.
"Can you make up your fucking mind?" He yells irritated.

Louis blushes.
"I thought I would head to work at a different time so you didn't have to see me in the mornings when it clearly upsets you but apparently we had the same thought."

"Apparently. So tomorrow you'll get to work at the same time you normally go and I head off earlier. Problem solved." Harry suggests.

"No, I can go early. You shouldn't have to get up just because you don't want to see me." Louis protests, sounding sad.

Harry hates that his immediate reaction is to hug him when Louis looks like a dog that someone kicked.
He sighs.
"It's okay Louis. You're not a morning person but I am. You just sleep so you won't be tired at work. Okay?" That came out softer than he attended.

"Okay." Louis agrees, still looking like a kicked puppy. Harry hates this.

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