I'm Sorry

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{Victoria's POV}

I woke up, the sun peaking through the curtains. I was engulfed by the warm white comforter that was on the bed. Derek was still asleep beside me, soft little snores falling from his lips. I smiled at the sight, feeling all warm inside. I scooted closer to him, slipping under his arm.

I let him sleep for another 20 minutes, before finally wanting to go out a get him coffee, a promise is a promise. I pressed a gentle kiss to his shoulder, and then his neck. I slid on top of him, my thighs on either side of his torso. I kissed his lips softly, before I felt him smile against them.

"You're up?" I asked. "You didn't think I was gonna miss our first kiss because I was asleep were you?" I blushed, realizing I kissed him without even thinking about it. "Sorry, I wasn't really thinking, and I-" "It's alright, Victoria. Don't stress it. It was cute." He brushed a strand of hair behind my ear, looking up at me.

His hands rested on my thighs, and he smiled up at me. "You're gorgeous." He mumbled. I groaned, as I felt a blush creep to my face. I leaned down, hiding my face in his chest. "No, no, I wanna see that beautiful face of yours." He said, cause me to smile again. I looked down at him.

"You enjoy making me blush don't you?" I asked, cocking an eyebrow. "One of my favorite pastimes." He chuckled lightly, when I rolled my eyes. "It's time to get up, bubba. I wanna take you for coffee." I smiled, I went to get up from his lap, but his grip tightened on my thighs.

"Just 10 more minutes and then we can leave." He muttered. "Do you need to change?" He asked. "Yeah but I have an outfit in the trunk of my car." I mumbled.

"What the hell do you keep back there?" He asked. "Just for emergencies." I giggled, getting up. "Your keys are by the door." He said, rolling out of bed. "Okay." I said, practically skipping out of the room.

"Now, how do you have enough money for clothes like that?" Derek asked teasingly

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"Now, how do you have enough money for clothes like that?" Derek asked teasingly. "Oh these aren't mine. My friend Lyla is a trophy wife, has enough money to by me a house if I would let her. But I try to be as independent as I can." I said, slipping on the stilettos.

"You and you're independence is very attractive. I think it's cool that you're trying to do life on your own, and fulfill your dream of being a teacher. And, your ass looks great in those pants." I smiled. "Thank you, I do have a pretty good ass." I said, with a small smirk. "Now, coffee?" He nodded, grabbing my hand.

We went to a small cafe nearby. I had him sit while I ordered. When I brought back our coffees, he smiled at me. "Thank you." He said, taking his coffee. I nodded, "of course." We sat, talked, and enjoyed our drinks.

*ring! ring!*

My phone paused the ongoing conversation. "I'm sorry, but I should get this." I mumbled apologetically. "You're perfectly fine." Derek assured.

"What do you want, Liam?" I hissed. "Now, that's no way to talk to your brother now is it?" I rolled my eyes. "What do you want?" I asked again. I glanced back at Derek, from outside the cafe. He smiled, making my stomach fill with butterflies. "Tori are you listening?" Liam asked bitterly.

"Look Liam, if you came to ask for money, I don't have any. You sucked my bank account dry. Tell Mom and Dad that I'm done supplying them with money." I grumbled. "Tsk tsk, that's not very kind of you, Sister. You know what happens when things don't happen when they should." I groaned.

"I don't have the money. What don't you guys understand about that. It's not like you need the money either." Liam scoffed. "I'm done talking to your pathetic ass. Dad can deal with you." My face dropped. "N-"

"Victoria." His voice sent a shiver down my spine. "Hey, Dad." I mumbled. "What did I say about mumbling?" His voice shook through the phone, cause some people to look. "Sorry, hey, Dad. I'll get the money to you soon."

"A week." His voice was stern. "I-I won't have a pay check by then." I said. "Well that's a you problem, Victoria." I sighed. "Yes, Dad." "Good girl." I cringed. And hung up quickly. I needed to call Lyla soon. She always said she would help me against them. I sighed before walking back to my table with Derek.

"Everything okay? You looked pretty tense out there." Derek said, voicing his concern. "Oh, yeah. I'm sorry that took so long." I faked a smile at him, my nerves making me jittery. "I profile people for a living, babygirl. Everything isn't okay, and if you don't wanna talk, that's fine. But just know I'm here." He grabbed my hand across the table.

His thumb rubbed circles on the back of my hand. I smiled gently at him. "Thank you." I said. He smiled at me. And it was his turn for his phone to ring. "I have to cut this short, baby. I'm sorry." He said, looking down at his phone.

"That's alright. Duty calls." "I hate having to make you walk though. Uhm, how far is your apartment from here?" He asked, looking at his watch. "I'll be fine Derek. Go." I assured him, practically shoving him into his car. "Are you sure?" He asked again.

"Derek Morgan, get your ass to work and put some serial killers in prison alright?" He sighed. "I'll see you soon, alright Victoria?"
I nodded smiling. "Bye Derek."

"Bye babygirl." He kisses my forehead, causing butterflies to flutter in my stomach. I walked to the sidewalk, getting out of his way. He waved goodbye, making me smile.

As soon as he was gone, I rushed home. I dialed Lyla's number. "Hey Victoria!" She cheered through the phone. "I need your help." I rushed out. "Is it your family?" Her mood immediately changed. "Yeah. They want money. I haven't gotten paid." I panicked.

"Did they say how much?" "No." I chewed on my nail. "We'll figure it out okay?" She reassured. "Are you sure Thomas won't mind?" I asked. "Victoria, he loves you almost as much as I do. You're basically family. Of course he won't mind." I sighed. "Thank you."

"Anytime. Seriously Victoria. Don't hesitate. We have the money, and we want to help. You're safety is a priority." I smiled slightly. "Can you come over later Ly?" I heard her giggle through the phone. "Yeah, I'll be over in an hour if that's alright?" "Perfect." I answered.

"See you soon." "Bye." And then she hung up. The reassurance that she gave me had calmed my nerves for the most part. I tidied up a bit, doing the dishes and hanging up coats.

My mind kept wandering to Derek. I've known him barely a week and a half. Yet, here I am practically worshipping him. He makes me feel safe. I don't have to pretend with him. I might hide the part that my family abuses me and takes my money, but that's besides the point.

Derek Morgan makes me really happy.

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