2: Legacy in a grave of sinners

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Anya remembered when her father had started the family business. Not the illegal one but the legitimate one that was used to run the illegal one. It was still a business but if someone wanted to be technical about it. Thankfully Anya was not. However, if there was something Anya hated, it was the name that her father had chosen for their company: Farewell and Sons.

If you asked her brother Ivan, it was the legacy his father left behind.

But If you asked Anya that question, the name was a little sexist.

Thank god that Farewell and Sons was just a stepping stone for the Farewell Group. If Ivan hadn't solidified his place in the market, they would've been stuck with such a shitty name that had no business being in the 21st century. Despite it all she had to admit, the name was useful. Dropping names is a terrible habit in business but a necessary one, and Anya had learned over the years that their names could open doors that would be closed to others.

Was it a privilege? Yes. Did she care? No.

That was a double-edged sword. As long as it was useful.

Some names opened doors, some inspired fear, and other names were born of insignificance. But So much blood had been spilt because of their name, it might as well have been written in it. People only whisper about that name but they won't speak about it outright and the cops know that it's them who have control, not the law. But once in a while there will be a cop to put down and some rats to drown and then it's just another normal day.

To the public, they may have left the 'life' behind but not its methods and ideologies, not completely. Not yet. They were still very much the same but the face was different, like exchanging one mask for another. A  cleverly constructed masquerade. There's a lot of blood, a few morose deals under the table, and some illicit activities that need to be covered up.

It's business. Nothing more and nothing less.

Legitimacy had bought them something the other families could never have: safety and free reign. But it also bought in scavengers, trying to take pieces of their hard-earned success. Nothing in life came for free, not even morals and human decency.

Ivan never took it personally even if the other clans did. It was a job and he was the man who had to do it. Anya didn't either. She just followed her brother and helped him in his time of need.

His reign has been steady so far but with the loss of the previous Boss, tensions have grown because not all are willing to accept her brother that easily.

At first, they viewed him as too soft. With a fancy scholarly degree and a quiet attitude, he was not what they intended. Ivan knew that and used their assumptions as a weapon.

He liked it when people underestimated him. Anya has seen a sadistic and ruthless side to him that made her consider praying for her brother's soul but that feeling came as quickly as it went. In six months Anya had watched as he had launched a brutal campaign against the families and his men. Ivan's hands turned red with each uncertain day, his creased white sleeves stained in blood. Soon, they fell in line one by one like little toy soldiers once they learned that a man like Ivan Farewell was not to be underestimated or looked down upon.

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