16: Wrong side of the bed

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I woke up to a pounding headache along with someone pounding at the door.

"What the fuck?" I rasped, turned onto my side. I felt around for my phone with closed eyes, snapping them open when I couldn't find them.

Somewhere between dancing at a club and stumbling back to our apartment to play charades, I ended up sleeping on the floor of my room.

My mouth tasted like something died and I smelt like a sweaty gym sock. Well.....not the worst place to wake up. I could've woken up in someone's bed and then I would have to walk home dressed in my clothes from last night. The only pain Sleeping on the floor gave was the crick in my neck.

I stretched my limbs, glad that someone had thrown a blanket over me before passing out. There was a pack of cards on the vanity, clothes strewn all around the place and a bottle of wine on my knight stand. I looked to my right to see Haley snoring away softly on the small chaise. She was dressed in an oversized tee-shirt, her curly red hair was all over the place making her look like a snoozing lion.

The knocking on the door grew louder. I got up, stumbling over some stuff on the floor and struggled not to throw up whatever was left in my stomach.

"What?!" I snapped as I yanked open the door. "Why are you—?"

"Well good morning to you too, cuz!" A young woman stood in front of me, arms crossed over her chest and tapping her foot impatiently. "Are you going to go crazy again or would you like to screw that head of yours back on?"

Amara looked a lot different from when I last saw her. I eyed her hair dyed red at the tips and the thick eyeliner that circled her eyes. Clearly, someone was going through their teen angst phase. I chose the wise decision not to comment on it because I valued having my limbs attached to my body.

"I....er......" I braced myself against the doorframe, not processing anything. "Amara? What are you doing.......here?" I asked lamely.

"Oh, I'm sorry." She rolls her eyes. "Should I come back with an invitation?" She asked, tilting her head.

"No." I stepped aside to let her into my room. "But most people call when she plans to show up to someone's apartment unexpectedly, Amara."

"I did call you, cuz." She tied her short hair back, the red tips of her dye hair stuck out like an exotic bird."A lot of times. But I guess you were too busy having a good time to answer my calls."

"Oops." I slid my hand down my face, regretting that third shot of tequila. Never again. "Sorry."

Amara rolled her eye, giving me her best look of disappointment. She looked like she had a rough night if those bags underneath her eyes had anything to say about it. I probably made it worse with my drunken antics. This is why I impose a three drink limit on myself, I haven't had a proper bender since my med school days.

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