Chapter 10

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Everyone reached the party venue. Khushi was really happy about the show's success but her happiness was incomplete because Arnav didn't say anything. She wasn't expecting any compliments but she wanted to know whether he believed that she is not the culprit or not.

She saw Arnav standing at a corner and talking to Aman. She immediately went there. She stood at a considerable distance not disturbing them, waiting for them to finish talking. After few minutes, Aman left and Khushi immediately went to Arnav.

"Arnavji..." Khushi called him eagerly.

Arnav stopped and smiled at her.

"Arnavji, the show is over. It's a huge success. I am really happy." Khushi said smiling happily.

"Hmm. The show was really awesome." Arnav said smiling. She really nailed it.

"So..." Khushi looked at him curiously hoping for him to say that he trusts her.

Arnav looked at her confused.

Seeing his confused face, Khushi sighed. Guess she has to ask him directly. "So, Arnavji, do you believe me now? Do you trust me that I didn't steal the designs?" Khushi asked with anticipation.

Arnav looked at her with blank face. "Khushi, just now show got over. The party has also started. We can discuss this later." Arnav said calmly.

Khushi face fell hearing that. She looked down sadly and slowly nodded her head. Arnav looked at the entrance hearing some commotion. He saw the clients entering alongwith the media.

"Khushi, the clients and media are here. Come let's go meet them." Arnav said and took her alongwith him to greet the clients.

He introduced her as the head of the project. Though he wanted to introduce her as his wife but he thought it was better to introduce her project head and head designer as today was her day and she should be appreciated for her achievements. If he introduce as his wife, then her achievements would he marred by her position in his wife.

People would only see her as his wife, not as the brilliant brain who managed to pull out such a successful show within just two weeks. She should get all the compliments she deserves and it shouldn't be veiled by their personal relationship.

He can introduce her as his wife another time which he is planning to do soon. But not now. Not like this. Today is her day and it should be all about her. Not even him should come in between that.

After meeting the clients and introducing Khushi and briefing about her contributions to the show, he brought them inside. Arnav started talking to the clients and other business associates, but he was constantly observing Khushi. She was mingling with everyone but her smile didn't reach her eyes.

He signed seeing her faking her smile when she should be genuinely happy. He excused himself and went in search of Aman. He caught hold of Aman who was looking after the arrangements and pulled him aside.

"Aman, bring them both to my cabin. It's time." Arnav said seriously.

Aman looked at him surprised. "ASR, now? The clients are here. The party is about to start. We can do this later..." Aman tried to say.

But cutting him, Arnav said firmly. "Not later, Aman. Now. We are doing this now. I am going to my cabin. Go, find them both and bring them to my cabin." Arnav said and walked to his private elevator to go to his cabin.

Aman sighed and went in search of them both. He saw Khushi talking to one employee. He went to her and told her that Arnav wants to talk something important to her. Then he went to Meera and told her the same. And together with both of them, he went to Arnav's cabin.

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