~ oceanside

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I stand with sand - covered toes, the blue waves meeting the shore,
Every inch of my foot drenched in the calm water, aching for more,
The huge peak mountains standing proudly by the mighty ocean,
The gentle yet steady breeze confusing all my emotions,
I hear the green palm leaves ruffling against each other,
The white stiff-peak clouds spread across the sky too much to bother,
The golden crescent smiling at me amidst the beautiful view present here,
Stars embedded in crystals around the vast blue celestial sphere,
Every splash of Adam's ale dampening my skin bringing back memories,
That's when it hit me;
Amidst this breath taking view, the one I could think about all along is thee,
But you loved her, loved her like the river,
The very thought of it making my lower lip quiver,
But little did you know, I was the deep blue ocean,
Too harsh yet gentle, empty but full of emotions,
I take a glance at the same sky you're sharing with her from afar,
Honey, I'm the moon, while you chased the star.

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