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"kleine peop?"


"the fuck does that mean"

"it means little shit in dutch"

"why do you want that tattooed-"

"it's what my mum used to call me when i was younger"

she released an amazing little laugh.

"my parents have already approved actually"


"not if it's on my face though"

she laughed again. i love it when she does that.

"what about you? you want any tattoos?"

"maybe. i quite like the idea"

"what would you get?"

"hmm. i'm not sure. maybe one of your lyrics"

holy shit i hope she does.

"my boyfriend would get soooo pissed though"

"it's your body though"

she hummed in response. i knew she didn't agree, or she was too scared to. so i didn't press.

"what about your parents?"

"oh. uhm. they kinda died a few years back"

real smooth ruel.

"it's okay! i honestly wasn't that close with them. i was with my gran most of the time"

"do you live with her?"

"oh no. i live with my boyfriend. i lived with her for a bit but as she became older she needed a nurse and there wasn't enough space for me"

"holy shit. serious relationship"

"i guess"

we didn't say any more. i wrote another line in my book after a little hit of inspiration. that spark sizzled out and left me looking at fleur.

the delicate yellow light of the cafe hit her face just right. illuminating her features wonderfully and highlighting every detail. she's so pretty.

"you're so pretty"

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