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the sky was dark again; just like it used to be. a warm yellow light inside to light up the clean tables and our little cups of coffee.

fleur was laughing at something i said. i don't know what i said. i tend to just say everything that comes to mind when i'm with her. as if id lost control of my tongue.

"you're funny. i missed you"

"thank you"

what else am i supposed to say? so i just sipped my coffee.

it went rather silent. fleur fiddled with her finger a bit before speaking again.

"um. so you know when you like..kissed me or whatever"

oh wow that did happen. great. i nodded in response to her.

"what did it- i mean. do you like me? or something"

"i- um. yeah. yeah i do."

"so do i"

"what? you have a boyfriend. you can't say that-"

"i love the thought of being with you,
or maybe it's the thought of not being so alone. the second one's way sadder than the first one. but I don't know"

"oh. you're alone?"

"my boyfriends a dick"

she smiled. a sad, small smile that i could tell she didn't actually mean.

"you of all people know that"


"but you don't make me feel alone. that's the thing. i've only ever felt truly loved and shit when you're here"

what the fuck am i supposed to say.

the most massive smile split over my face, as much as i tried to hide it, it just wouldn't go away. she giggled.

"that's how i feel"

she looked down, a little smile on her lips and sipped some more coffee before nodding at me.

"can we make some scones?"

"what kind?"

"peach scone"


"you're a peach scone"

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