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she blinked a few times.

i pursed my lips to prevent a laugh escaping. she looked like i had just suggested we paint the walls with it.

"but that's the poo colour"

i couldn't contain the laugh and let it spill out. the little bit of coffee i just drank sprayed over the newly cleaned table.

"bruh! if anyone should be laughing it's me. you're the one who's favourite colour is the poo colour"

"its not poo colour!"

"uh...yea it is"

"see this is why it's my favourite. everyone's mean to it"

she smiled at my little pout.

"what's your favourite colour then?"

"maybe like...cream or mint?"

i tried to think of a reason that's a bad colour. but i couldn't. damnit.

"ha ha! see, i have amazing taste in colour"

"that doesn't make sense"

"yes it does"

"you don't make sense"

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