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the both of us were on separate sides of the kitchen. giggles erupting from our mouths as we sent blobs of soapy bubbles towards the other.

foam surrounded her face and some of it stuck in her hair. she looked adorable.

i took another handful and did my best to throw my arm towards her and send the foam into her face. she squealed. it hit her nose and ran down her chin.

another was thrown at me, landing on my freshly washed hair. but right now i didn't care about that.

i lunged towards her, taking two handfuls of bubble on my way and smearing it over her face. she laughed and hit my chest lightly, before doing the same to me.

soap foam coated her head and eyebrows. there was bubbles gathered around her nose and ears, some of it stuck on her forehead and under her chin. she looked funny. but cute funny.

without another thought i leant down and pressed my lips on hers.

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