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id known fleur two months. my feeling for her her had grown rapidly.

we're just really good friends. i understand. it's rational.

"it's just...tough"


"i don't know what to do anymore"

"he'll come around, i'm sure"

fleur nodded and sighed. we sat in the silent coffee shop. it had only hit 12 when fleur started to rant about her disgraceful boyfriend.

being the amazing friend i was, i sat and listened and nodded and absorbed all the punches it hit at my heart with.

she sat back and rubbed her hands over her face.

"hey. it will be okay"

"i think i might just..end it"

"what? break up with him?"

"yes...is that stupid?"

"no! if it's an unhealthy relationship you should be in it"

she nodded.

"you, uhm, deserve better"

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