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one particular time i remember was when she burnt her hand.

i ordered my regular of a peach scone and a coffee of an afternoon.

i hummed quietly as the coffee machine buzzed and spat out a dark liquid.

as the girl turned, some of the drink spilled over tha edge and trickled down onto her hand.


i laughed.

"oh my- i'm so sorry! i shouldn't use such foul language"

"it's chill"

she placed my coffee down and held her burnt hand with a hiss.

"are you okay?"

"yeah, just a little burn"

"run it under cold water"

she smiled and nodded.

whilst she disappeared through the door to the kitchen, i situated myself on a couch and continued to write.

when she came back she sat beside me. i held her sore hand, looking at her for permission before i touched her of corse, and examined the burnt area.

"is it okay?"

"o-oh yeah it's good"

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