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it was only on the third day we spoke beyond my order.

it was late, very late. i was the only one left in the cafe and she was wandering around, wiping down the tables.

"should i leave?"

i was surprised at myself for talking. the air in lungs seemed to have vanished. but she turned around at my words to reply.

"not at all"

and she smiled at me.

"what are you writing?"


"no way! that's so cool"

i felt a weird boost of confidence surge up my stomach and a smile spread over my lips. "thanks"

"are you a song writer then?"

"sort of. i haven't actually released anything yet"

she continued wiping down the tables as i watched, unable to peel my eyes off. after a while i realised how weird that was and decided to keep talking.

"what's your name?"

"fleur. yours?"

pretty name.


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