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trigger wanting !! physical abuse

don't ever stay anywhere where you are in danger !! there's always ways to get help.
my dms are always open and you can always talk to me (:
ily all <3

fleur was sat down, head on my shoulders, arms around my waist and tears streaming down her face.

"hey, it's going to be okay"

"it's just really annoying"

"i know"

she whimpered and sniffed a little.

i felt tears sting behind my own eyes. i don't like seeing her like this.

"i don't know if i want to be with him anymore"

she's said that ten different times now. and she's always stayed with him. at this point all i have to do is smiled and nod.

"he um.."

"he what?"

fleur slowly lift her head from my shoulder and pushed the hair back from round her neck. a dark purple ring surrounded her soft neck. just the right size of a hand.

"he did that?"

fleur nodded.

i tried to ignore the bubbling anger that boiled in my stomach. that little fucking bitch.

"we just got in an argument and he got frustrated and..grabbed me i guess"

"that's fucking idiot! i'm going to find him fleur. i'll find him and beat the shit out of him! what kind of man is fucked yo enough to do that to a woman?! i'm so mad i'm going to kill that little fucker-"

fleur put her hand on my shoulder.

her little touch made me instantly soften.

"it's okay"

"it's not okay. no one should hurt anyone like this. he's not treating you right"

"it's the first time he's done this.."

"that doesn't mean it'll be his last"

the tears continued to roll down her soft little cheeks. i wrapped my arms around her delicate frame and hugged her.

i wanted to hold her tighter and squeeze her so she never leaves. but she's so fragile and precious, like a butterfly. i don't want to break her.

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