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i ran into the cafe. it was about 10 in the morning, so i was a lot earlier than usual.

"fleur! fleur!"

the unnatural view of a long que formed before the counter made me stop. i always came late at night, not early morning. it didn't seem to occur to me that there would be more people.

fleur made eye contact with me and sent a small, distressed smile before moving her gaze back to the work at hand.

i moved to sit down on a little two person table near the back.

my vision was still on the pretty lady moving around frantically. about nine people were stood, waiting to order. clearly this was too much for her.

grabbing my bag, i wandered towards the counter. but before i came to the main part where you order, i scooted round the back.

i tucked my bag under the counter beside hers and took the spare apron there.

i smiled up at the next person in line and took every bit of knowledge i had from watching fleur do it hundreds of time.

"what can i get for you today?"

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