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harrie looks out her bedroom window when she hears a vehicle pull up in her driveway.

she rolls her eyes when she sees its zayns car and she immediately regrets her decision.

"here goes nothing." harrie states as she goes downstairs.

she hears the doorbell ring before opening it.

"hi." zayn greets.

harrie just stares at him before moving out the way and letting him in.

"are your parents home?"

harrie shakes her head.

"it's just you and i. mom and dad went out and my sister went to a friends for the weekend."

"oh, okay."

"can i get you something to drink?" harrie asked politely.

"water would be fine."

harrie nods before going to the kitchen and grabbing two water bottles.

she hands zayn one before sitting down.

zayn sits across from her. he honestly didn't know what to say.

the tension in the room could be cut with a knife and zayn was nervous.

"you wanted to talk so talk."

zayn lets out a breath before speaking.

"look, im a shitty human. i know what i did to you was completely fucked up and for that im sorry. i know it's gonna take a lot more then some weak ass apology. i just thought this was a start. im not expecting you to forgive me anytime soon if you do, and im not expecting us to be friends again right away either, i just, i wanted you to know that im gonna fix this harrie."

harrie just looks at him.

"zayn, you hurt me more than anyone. i told you what happened to me after that. i was completely broken and i still am. i still have to deal with shitty ass people who comment on my appearance, including my own mother. i needed you at that time and i lost you. you were literally the only person i could trust and you broke that. but your sisters right. you were a stupid kid just starting off his teenage years wanting to fit in. i completely understand that zayn. this doesn't mean im just gonna up and be friends with you again or forgive you. but i will join your study group and we can go from there." harrie gives him a half smile.

zayn lets out a breath.


harrie nods.

"but on one condition."


"Niall, lou, ari, and cindy have to be in it too. i feel comfortable if they were there."

zayn nods.

"i can arrange that."

"and no kylie."

"i already explained to her my parents didn't want her going because they thought she'd be a distraction. truth is my parents hate her."

"i don't blame them. she's evil."

zayn chuckles.

"shes a sweetheart. you just have to get to know her. she has a soft spot."

harrie disagreed but she kept the thought to herself.

"alright, i should get going. my dads will kill me if i miss game night. bye harrie."


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