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"Well I don't care! You're GM so you know what that means? You're in charge when I'm not here. Not the bartenders, not the kitchen manager YOU!" I said while slamming my hand down on my desk. "Do you understand?"

"Yes boss but-"

"There is no but. No one in this damn restaurant has the power to fire anyone except for you and me. Get your workers in check Kristin before I do." I said then got up and started gathering my things. "Get back to work."

She didn't bother saying anything else she just went through the door. Now I know that may sound harsh but at the end of the day this is all reflecting badly on me.

I don't need my dad calling my phone everyday on some bullshit because people are getting besides themselves, and as GM it's her damn job to keep these motherfuckers in order.

After getting my things together I grabbed my purse and phone and left the office, but not forgetting to lock up before I go. I make my way back to the main part of the restaurant to see some of the waiters and waitresses gathered by the bar.

I was just going to walk by but I saw the person I was looking for.

"Matt! Over here please." I called out.

I watch him walk over with a nervous look on his face

"Yes boss?" He replied standing in front of me with his arms behind his back.

"When I leave this place everyday I leave one person in charge of everything and everyone, and it isn't you. So the next time I find out that you're making your personal issues affect the way how my business is running that's your ass. Clear?" I said not really needing an answer.

"Crystal." He replied smartly.

I glanced at him one last time then exited the building, the Arizona heat hitting me instantly. I HATE the heat with a passion. I should've stayed my ass on the east coast.

I make my way over to my matte grey Tesla Model X, strutting through the parking lot in my new white Giuseppe Zanotti heels. Finally! I've been waiting to get the white ones ever since I got the black ones. I love me some shoes if you can't tell.

I stop in front of my car as my phone starts going off in my hand.

"Oh my god please don't be my dad." I whined while looking up at the sky. "Please please please." I look down at my phone to see it was the devil himself calling.

"Yes daddy?" I said not really wanting to talk right now.

"Did you figure out what's going on with the restaurant?" He asked.

"Yes daddy."

"I'm going to have to send your brother down there to check on things because I don't know what you're doing." He said making me irritated.

"Go a head call him." I said, the attitude thick in my voice. "Like he can do better." I mumbled under my breath.

"Yo get off my phone." See that's the thing when things don't go his way he act's like a little brat.

"You called me dude." I said then hung up. "Annoying ass! send yo bitch ass son over here." I said while getting in the car and putting my purse in the passenger seat.

"Ughhh! Ungrateful fuck!" I yelled as I started the car.

Let me fill y'all in before y'all call me the bad guy.

I moved to Arizona to help my dad out with his restaurant. This is his third restaurant that he's open and since we live all the way in New York I came up with this brilliant idea that ended up biting me in the ass.

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