chapter 13

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Jennifer's POV

"Heyy" mason said to me after class got over.

"Oh hii" i said looking into his grey eyes and smiling softly. He seems a nice guy. He has grey eyes, chestnut brown hairs perfectly turned upwards and a chieseled face just like him.

"So, jennifer right?" He said nervously. I guess he is shy around girls.

"Yeah , but you can call me jenny or jen or whatever you prefer as my name is long " i said again smiling slightly so that he could overcome his nervousness.

"Okay, jenny , when we will meet for the discussion of the project? He asked me looking down.

"Whenever you prefer mason , i think today or tomorrow will be fine, ya , what say " i replied back having a confusing look weather to meet today or tomorrow.

" I guess we should meet today after school, if you are free because i want to talk about something to you before starting our project ,is it okay?" he said to me now looking directly in my eyes having a nervous yet questioning look on his face, waiting for my reply.

"Today hmmm...okay i can come but we will meet at diner which nearby of our campus , because i work there so it would be easy for me ,what say , do you agree?" I said. If he say yes then we will meet before my work starts but if says no then i will have to take a break today.

"Okay , no issues we will meet at the diner so immediately after school , it will be better" he said having a very small smile on his lips.

"Okay i agree" i flashed a big grin to him.

"Meet you after school then in the parking lot, don't forget" he said and turned towards his next class and i headed to mine. Mine was chemistry now.

I entered the class, seeing whole room of chattering and laughing at insane jokes. I don't have any of my lecs with nia and izzy as except physical education lecture where we are in ground running and exercising.

I look for a empty seat and sat beside a window seat.

I started doing my stuff when our chemistry lecturer Mr. Alex entered the class. We all greeted him and took respective places.

As mr. Alex started teaching equilibrium of stable compounds, there was a knock on the door. There he is. God why i have every lecture with him.

"Care to explain , why are you late" Mr Alex asked him in a bored yet angry tone.

"Sorry, i will not be late again, actually i was searching this book in the library" he showed the book of biology to the Alex sir and then Sir gave him permission to sit in the class giving him a warning.

He is coming towards me, oh shit , why!?

The. I realized that only i have a empty seat beside me. What is with my destiny that i end up with him talking or meeting him. I just can't understand why we always cross our paths. Why can't we go in our own direction without having him beside me otlr infront of me or behind me or anything me.

I took my backpack and allowed him to seat with a stern look on my face.

I will act as if no one is sitting beside me.

I started taking notes of equilibrium when i felt that someone is looking at me. As i turned towards him he was peeking in my notes.

I raised my brows when he spoke"can i have a pen , i lost mine i guess" having a innocent yet sexy look on his face.

"Gross idea of starting a conversation, still take this " i whispered while giving my pen to him.

"What!?, you mean i want to talk to you so i am making excuses, huh, so let me burst your bubble babygirl, i am not that desperate to talk with you and I don't want to even seat beside you, i am not like your usual hookups who want a desperate sex again and again with you so that i would follow you and start a conversation with you, you are not a fairy tale princess so just get out of your wonderland miss alice, got it miss shitty" he said in a mocking tone and in a bit louder that two students ahead of us amd behind of us could listen.

I was shocked, he said me shitty at my face and he also called me desperate and slut in a indirect manner. Now I can't take it anymore. I guess i am going to cry. Tears are welling at the brim of my eyes and a knot is forming in my throat but no jenny you are not crying infront of him. I looked away without a reply and started taking notes again.

I wanted this lecture to end soon. Actually i wanted to be somewhere alone. I wanted scream all my sadness and pain, i would rather die instead of holding back this much. First my parents betrayed me then him and now he. What the hell is going on with me. Why is god doing this to me. What sins i have committed please tell me. I buried my head in my hands staring blankly towards blackboard.

Someone is poking me. I glanced sideways and guess what he is poking me. I raised my eyebrows towards him and he was mouthing something.

"Alex"i guess this is the word he is mouthing but why!? I am confused till then someone called me.

"Miss Siaz, right, so you were the most attentive child of my class. So tell me example of chemical equilibrium?" Mr. Alex asked me sarcastically.

Oh so now i understand what he wants to tell me.

"Sorry sir I wasn't attentive because of some reasons , this will not happen again" i said bowing my head down fully embarrassed and the truth.

"So miss siaz will you please move out of my class and next time i want this equilibrium reaction 5 times in your notes, am i clear?"  Alex said in a angry tone which feared me. I packed my things and hurried out of the class.

Now i should go home , i don't want to attend any of the lectures as it was my last lecture.

Oh god but i can't leave this premises i have to meet mason. So now i have only one place to go and that is library. But before that i am going to have something to eat or drink.

I took juice to drink and headed towards library. Still i have 20 minutes to pass the time.

I sat on the usual table in the library reading the goosebumps series. I love it.

After 20 minutes , how i get to know its 20 minutes over because i set an alarm , as i am not so good at remembering such things 😜

So i headed to the parking lot. And then "bump" and i fell down but i didn't get hit, why.

I opened my eyes which was closed because of sudden hitting and first i saw was blue colour. Not him again.

He has grabbed me by my waist and so I didn't hit the ground. Everyone was looking towards us and i was looking in his eyes.

He was staring at me having sympathy look on his face.

Sympathy !? Why!?

But it changed in the next second and has a angry and irritated look. I stood straight and picked the book which fell from my hand and said sorry and thank you to him.

"Why its always you? You bumped into me  knowingly right. It wasn't by mistake. You don't understand that I don't want to see your ugly face. Don't come infront of my eyes again and this is the last warning." He said and everyone in the area listened what he said.

Now i am embarassed very much .

"Sorry" i said and turned around and ran towards the parking lot crying in the whole way. I can't face mason like this. I took a sharp turn towards washroom and washed my face and cleaned myself and walk out as nothing happened.

Some was staring at me and some were gossiping. So rumours spread faster than a flu. I sighed in my mind.

I noticed mason near his bike waiting for me.

My first lengthy chapter😂😂

So enjoyed till here.
So how many of you hate dominic now....

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Favourite book ?👉

Mine's is charlie bone series.

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