First year - part 4

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"Ada?" The little blonde prince asked.

His father looked up at his youngest son and faltered at his eyes. Her eyes. "Yes my little leaf?"

His son shifted on the spot. "Where's Naneth?"


Alarya shot upright - it was a reoccurring dream that she had been having for weeks. Although this time, she could actually see the face of the child. Before, the face had been distorted, and the 'Ada' who she assumed to be the father, had his blonde head facing away from her towards his son, so she had only seen the locks of pale blonde hair.

The child too had pale blonde hair and ethereal features. She couldn't put her finger on where she recognised those features from, but they were familiar. They were comforting. They were... home.

And his eyes were a deep blue just like hers.


"So... let me get this straight? You... Hermione Jean Granger... set Snape on fire."

Hermione blushed while Ron and Elarion avoiding each other's gazes.

"Well I didn't set him on fire, rather his cloak."

Alarya raised an incredulous eyebrow, mirth sparkling in the depths of her eyes.

"But that's completely besides the point!" She snapped. "The point is that Snape was the one who was jinxing your broom."

"Are you certain?" Elarion asked, finally trusting himself enough to speak without descending into laughter.

Hermione huffed. "Of course I am. I've read all about them. It's all about eye contact and Snape wasn't blinking."

"You can't deny that Snape has it out for you though, Rea."

Alarya rolled her eyes from across the table where she was scribbling an essay for potions. "Snape has it out for everyone. He's a slimy, bullying, petty little man who takes delight in terrorising children."

"Look, I'm not saying Snape isn't a git, because he is." Elarion started.

"A massive one." Ron muttered. Hermione shot him a disapproving glare.

"But he can't have been the only one who wasn't blinking. There were loads of people in that box. Snape is a contender, but I think it'd be foolish to immediately assume it was him just because of one fact. For all we know, he could've been muttering a counter curse."

"It is fishy though. I mean, why was he limping on Halloween?" Ron leant in closer.

"I definitely think it was something to do with that three headed dog." Hermione continued.

"You mean fluffy?" Elarion asked. At Ron and Hermione's horrified looks he elaborated, "he's Hagrids."

"So... fluffy.... is guarding this thing, and Snape had some sort of altercation with the dog." Ron summarised.

"He could've been trying to protect the thing, or steal it. Either way," Elarion shrugged, "we need more information."

"Okay let's look at this again: Halloween, a troll finds its way into the castle..." Hermione began.

Alarya spoke up, not looking up from where she was writing. "Let in. The troll was obviously let in as a distraction. My money's on Quirrel."

"The stuttery sack of potatoes?" Ron asked. Elarion snorted.

"He's the DADA teacher and he runs in screaming and looking like he's about to crap himself." Elarion began.

Hermione spluttered at the swear.

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