Fifth Year - Part 5

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Alarya was rushed through the barrier into platform 9 and 3/4 quicker than ever before, her guard immediately blending into the crowd upon arriving as she followed Elarion through the crowd.

Stares seemed to follow her everywhere, people pointing and whispering, laughing derisively. Her skin itched with a combination of discomfort and anger at being treated like a zoo animal.

She and Elarion had to practically lock Sirius in Grimmauld Place to stop him from following them to the station, and it was only when both of them simultaneously turned their puppy eyes on him that he decided to acquiesce, mumbling about how unfair it was the whole time.

They stepped up into the train after being smothered in hugs by Mrs Weasley and Remus (the latter of which was surprisingly the best hugger) and stepped into a compartment with Neville and Luna, Elarion and Hermione immediately going off to the Prefect carriage and the twins off to find Lee Jordan.

"How's your summer been Neville?" Alarya asked conversationally, grinning at Luna who was sat opposite her.

"Not too bad thanks. Gran has been lecturing me about the importance of my OWLs the entire time. As if I'm not already worried enough."

Ginny smiled sympathetically. "Don't stress too much Neville. Just try your hardest. That's all you can do."

He smiled appreciatively at her, and turned back to Alarya.

"So how was your summer?"

"Tiring." She said simply.

"Oh yeah. Heard about that. Your trial was all in the prophet." He nodded his head. "Gran and I only get a copy any more to see what they're going on about - all a load of cra-rubbish." He blushed deeply. "Rubbish."

Ron sniggered and Alarya and Ginny chuckled at him while Luna hid a grin behind her magazine.

The deep-blue eyed girl hid a wince when her scar began throbbing, but it seemed only Luna noticed, who merely gave her a small smile.

The fields rolled on by as they spoke of mundane things, exchanging theories on ministry interference at Hogwarts and speaking of their upcoming OWLS.

People walked past their compartment whispering and pointing at Alarya. Most glared or looked at her curiously, while some of their closer friends would come in to say hello and assure her that they did not think her a raving lunatic. When Theo, Blaise and Daphne passed, they merely nodded with taut smiles. Theo looked discerningly pale, his guardian a part of Voldemort's inner circle.

Hermione and Elarion returned an hour later, their prefect badges glinting on their robes.

Elarion huffed as he slumped (somehow still making it look graceful) onto the empty seat by Luna as Hermione sat by Neville.

"How was it?" Alarya asked.

"Just had to patrol the corridors a bit. I can't wait to put Crabbe and Goyle in detention."

Hermione rolled her eyes. "You'll never guess who the other prefects are."

"Malfoy and that cow Pansy Parkinson are for Slytherin; Hannah Abbott and Ernie Macmillan for Hufflepuff; and Padma Patil and Anthony Goldstein for Ravenclaw."

"Who the hell would make Malfoy a prefect?!"

"He's just going to abuse his position." Neville looked slightly worried.

"Well he can't do it to other prefects so we're safe." Elarion intoned, comfortably laying back in his seat.

"Oh thanks Elarion, that's real comforting for the rest of us." Alarya rolled her eyes and he just grinned lazily in response.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 14, 2021 ⏰

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