Fifth Year - Part 4

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"Ah, yes. I thought we'd be hearing something like this." Fudge intoned, smirking unpleasantly, "You can't honestly believe this girl, Madam Bones?"

The woman, Madam Bones, raised an eyebrow at Fudge, it seemed as though if she were any less composed she would've rolled her eyes in pure exasperation, "Can you elaborate Miss Potter?" She responded, turning back to face Alarya.

Alarya opened her mouth to speak but Fudge cut across her again.

"She's obviously thought this through. Yes... a nice little cover story. Now muggles can't see Dementors. Highly convenient."

Alarya's temper flared "I'm not lying! We were-"

"AH!" Fudge waggled a finger at her, "I hate to interrupt what I assume would have been a very typically well-rehearsed story. But you have no proof that there were Dementors anywhere near!"

"Well do you have any proof that there weren't?" Alarya snapped.

Madam Bones interjected before either Fudge or Alarya could continue: "minister, I would hardly describe this as a fair trial if the accused is not even given a chance to speak. Continue, miss Potter."

Alarya's respect for the woman soared. "Thank you Madam Bones. My cousin and I were returning back to my Aunt and Uncle's house when the weather changed. It was a boiling day but it suddenly became frigid, so cold we could see our breath. Nervous, even though Dudley didn't know what was going on, we ran back when we got to an underpass. The dementors suddenly appeared, one grabbing me by the throat and pushing me against the wall, and the other went down to kiss Dudley. I had my wand in my trousers and so... poked it in the face-"

"You poked a dementor in the face?" A witch asked from the third row, amusement colouring her tone.

Alarya grinned charmingly, "if it weren't a life threatening situation then I dare say it would've been quite amusing."

Dumbledore's lip twitched.

"Anyway, it recoiled back from me and after several tries, I cast a patronus and drove them off. We didn't see them again." She shrugged.

"Well, while that is a very nice story, since you can produce no witnesses for the even who can testify the presence of a dementor-"

"If I may interject. We actually do have a witness." Dumbledore cut in cheerfully.

Fudge went purple. "Dudley Dursley is not a worthwhile witness!" He snapped.

"Well, it's a good thing that I have someone else who was in the vicinity and can vouch for Miss Potter." Dumbledore said calmly.

"We don't have time for this! I want this matter resolved!"

Madam Bones lightly furrowed her brows at Fudge.

"Minister, under the Wizengamot Charter of Rights, the accused has the right to present witnesses for his or her case. No matter how quickly you want the matter resolved, Miss Potter is entitled to present a witness." She insisted, watching Fudge.

"Yes. Very well." Fudge sighed dramatically.

"She's just outside." Dumbledore remarked.

"Weasley go get her." The minister demanded.

Percy obediently rushed out of the room, and returned with a rather scared looking Mrs Figg in tow. Dumbledore conjured her a chair by his side, and she sat down.

"Right let's get this over with. Madam Bones, if you will."

"Please state your name and address for the record."

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