Third Year - part 1

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Sindarin (elvish)

"King Thranduil." Celeborn lightly bowed his head in respect. "To what do we owe the pleasure?"

Celeborn grinned lightly at the young elfling who was clinging to his father's leg.

"Legolas." Thranduil muttered, tenderly moving a few strands of hair away from his sons eyes and behind his ears. "Say hello to your grandfather."


"You are here to speak with me."

It wasn't a question.

Thranduil turned around to face his mother in law. He did not look into her eyes. He could not look into her eyes.

"I have questions that I believe you can answer." Thranduil stated.

Galadriel turned and practically glided away, Thranduil following.

Soon, they reached a clearing in the beautiful woods of Lorien. A fountain trickled from rocks and pooled in a natural, clear pond. In the centre of the clearing was her mirror.

She turned around facing him, the mirror in between.

"Look into it. I dare say you will find your answers."

He did not want to. The last time, he had only seen images and memories of his wife's youth and their love for each other. He spent every minute of every day trying to ignore the hollowness of his heart, he did not need it amplifying.

"Trust me." Galadriel whispered, her golden hair being tickled by a breeze.

And despite himself, he did.

"I love you, Thranduil." The queen whispered, deep blue eyes sparkling.

"I love you too." He ducked his head, kissing her deeply in the meadow of flowers bathed in starlight.

The scene changed.

"Legolas." She muttered. "It's perfect." His wife beamed. "Amarion, come meet your baby brother."

The scene changed again.

"WHERE IS MY WIFE?!" Thranduil bellowed.

"W-we don't know sire!" The elf breathed, "one minute she was there and then we turned around and she was gone."

Again, the scene changed.

"We've searched the area thrice over sire. The caves, the forests, the meadows. She's not there."

It changed.

"Ada... where's nana?" Legolas whispered.

Amarion looked up sharply and upon the sight of his father's grief stricken face, he swallowed down his own and distracted his young brother, all the while desperately fighting back tears.

The echoes of the past lingered for a moment before dissipating, and something else appeared.

The figures were blurred, the voices lightly distorted.

"You... needed there... destiny."

"I'm needed here... my home... my sons... my husband... my kingdom!"

"... able to return... one day."

The scene changed.

Thranduil watched the very scene that had haunted him in person, for before he had only heard the words.

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