Leaving Konoha

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I wake up this morning to find myself sweating and my eyes puffy. I hate it when I have dreams about the beatings I get for no reason. The villagers call me a monster and I don't know why.

While making some breakfast I hear a knock on my door. I open it up to see two ANBU looking at me. They tell me to go to the Hokages office because gramps has to tell me something. I wonder what he has to say. He is the only one in Konoha that's actually nice to me.

I walk up to gramps office and I knock. He tells me to come in and I sit down. I ask, "So gramps what did you call me here for?" He looks at me with a sad look in his eyes like he's about to cry. "Son, on behalf of the civilian council, all the villagers, and most of the chunin and Jonin, you have been banned from Konoha for the rest of your life.

I can't believe what he just said. LEAVING KONOHA?!? BEING BANNED FOREVER?!?! HOW DOES THIS JUST HAPPEN?!? Oh wait, IT DOESN'T!! WHY DO PEOPLE HATE ME!?! I look back up to see a crying Hiruzen Sarutobi. I ask him, "why, gramps? Why me? Why do people what me dead? Why do people want me to be banished from Konoha forever? WHY GRAMPS?!? WHY ME?!?"

He looks at me wiping away his tears and says, "son it's not my doing. The council went behind my back and did this themselves. The reason people hate you so much and call you a monster is because you hold the Kuubi, or the nine tails that destroyed the Villiage, and killed the Fourth Hokage.

What did I just hear?!

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