Sharon stormed into the room and roughly grabbed my arm, her hand in a vice grip, squeezing my arm painfully.

"You twit!" she roared in my face. "You come into my house and try to hook up with my son?!"

"Mom!" Dylan shouted at the same time I wrenched my arm from her grip and yelled, "Get off me bitch!"

Footsteps pounded through the hallway and Dad and Shaun ran into the room.

"What the hell is going on in here?" Dad demanded, him and Shaun staring at the scene in bewilderment.

Sharon pointed a long, manicured finger so close to my face she nearly poked me and growled, "I caught her in here. She was trying to get with our son. She's sick, Robert! She's sick!"

I was shaking with anger and rage. I slapped her finger away and screamed, "I WAS NOT TRYING TO HOOK UP WITH MY BROTHER! WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU?!"

"He is not your brother!" Sharon screamed back, her face flushing with anger. "You're not supposed to even be here! You shouldn't even be a part of this family!"

"Sharon that's enough!" Dad bellowed. His face was crimson red, his eyes filled with such rage I'd never seen before. I thought the vein in his forehead was going to pop. His hands were clenched into fists, his chest rising and falling rapidly as his breathing spiked. "You have gone too far this time. Grace and Dylan would never do such a thing! How dare you accuse my daughter of something so heinous?! You know what, don't even. I don't want to hear any excuses. We're done, Sharon. You do not ever speak to my daughter like that again or put your hands on her."

The anger disappeared from her face in an instant, her face growing sickly pale. "Robert--"

"Don't even." Dad looked over at me. "Grace, go pack your stuff. I'll be taking you home tomorrow morning."

I left the room without saying a word. I was shaking all over from anger. I could not believe that woman would be so low as to accuse me of something like that. It was one thing to not like me. It was another thing to accuse me of doing something to my own brother.

I couldn't sleep. I didn't even bother trying. I was so filled with rage I couldn't think straight. My thoughts were racing a million miles an hour. I spent the rest of the night packing.

Helen and Johnny reappeared at eight in the morning. By then, I'd packed all my bags and was about to go search for Dad to get him to take me back home.

"What happened?" Helen demanded when she got a good look at my face, which I knew conveyed all the rage I was feeling inside.

"Oh, nothing," I growled, "just my wicked stepmother accusing me of trying to hook up with my stepbrother."


"Dylan and I overheard Dad telling her off about the way she ignores me. She called me weird and other stuff. Dylan was there too and we went into his bedroom to talk for a second. We were talking about what was going on with them when she burst into the room and started screaming about how I was trying to get with her son, when we were standing six feet apart, fully clothed, and laughing." I showed them where she grabbed my arm. Purple bruises abraded my skin. "She nearly broke my arm when she grabbed me. She literally stood there and said I was trying to come onto her son when I was just standing there."

"Are you effing kidding me?" Johnny roared and began pacing the room. "What a bitch! She has got some serious mental problems, I swear. I swear, Luna, if I'd been there, I'd have knocked the shit out of her."

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